Explore REST’s advising resources: Learn about types of advising models you can use with your advisees, how to prepare yourself and your advisee for a meeting, topics to cover during meetings and how to ask and answer difficult questions. The resources also contain practical tools and resources to help your advisees navigate difficulties and improve their performance.
Connect with the A-Deans in your School each semester to stay abreast of changes to policy and practice: Having accurate answers to student questions gives students confidence in your abilities as a faculty advisor and eliminates the “run-around” when students are given misinformation or are pointed in the wrong direction. Being aware of policies and practices surrounding S/D/F, add/drop, audit, Over 18, and Withdraw deadlines can save students time and money and contribute to students’ on-time graduation.
Invite your advisees to meet with you at strategic points during the semester: Invitations can be extended during the first three weeks, just after midterms, before course registration.
Ask your School’s A-Dean for a list of advisees who are on academic warning: Seek to connect with struggling advisees more often during the semester and know the requirements for getting back into Good Standing.
Let your department know about engaged and high-performing advisees: These may be students who should be considered for enrichment opportunities or encouraged to pursue awards.