This calculator can help you explore your eligibility for academic scholarships and need-based financial assistance at Ithaca College. Please remember that any award information provided is an estimate, and the accuracy of that estimate is contingent upon the information you provide.
Financial Aid That Works for You
Financial Aid 101
Your financial need is the difference between what it costs to attend Ithaca and what you are expected to pay. Learn how each of those costs breaks down.
Ithaca College participates in a wide variety of aid programs designed to meet the needs of most students. All applicants and continuing students are eligible to apply for aid programs that are available as scholarships, grants, loans, and work.
Applying for financial aid is easy. To be considered for all types of aid, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year. There are a few additional requirements for new students, graduate students, and New York State residents.
Applied for aid? Here’s what to expect after you complete the FAFSA. If you have been accepted to Ithaca College and everything in your financial aid application is complete, we will begin work on your financial aid award package. When your financial aid package is complete, you'll receive an email inviting you to log in to IC Connect to review it.

Your financial need is the difference between what it costs to attend Ithaca and what you are expected to pay.
Ithaca College participates in a wide variety of aid programs designed to meet the needs of most students. All applicants and continuing students are eligible to apply for aid in the form of scholarships, grants, loans, and work study.
To be considered for all types of aid, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year. There are a few additional requirements for new students, graduate students, and New York State residents.