Invent the Future of Media

Master the skills necessary to work with both communications and technology, and learn to critique and analyze the place of emerging media in modern culture.
Emerging Media B.S. - Final entry term: Spring 2024

Students currently enrolled in this major will be supported through completion of their degree. (For degree requirements, please refer to the Ithaca College catalog for the year in which you declared the major.)

For Emerging Media, students entering in fall 2024 have been assigned to our new Television, Photography, and Digital Media major, in which they will be able to choose a concentration in Emerging Media.

The Emerging Media major is an exciting mix of classes in media production and design, new media economics, user interface design, computer science, and specific applications such as video games, e-learning, virtual/augmented reality, 2D and 3D animation, and virtual collaboration.

You'll work in teams that replicate the kind of collaborative environments you can find in the new media industry—with designers, coders, media producers, and individuals who specialize in analyzing and pitching to potential investors and new markets. Our students intern and take jobs in leading media companies such as TwitterMRY, 3Day Startup, and TrueChoice Solutions; they go on to prestigious graduate schools in programs to study topics like AI and learning; and they start their own companies—like Zufall Communications, a systems integrator and technology consulting firm based in Pittsburgh, PA—right out of school.

We bring leading thinkers and doers who are pioneering new media technologies and strategies to campus, such as representatives recruiting our students to intern at Google Creative Lab (where we have 2 alumni): Ed Rivera, an investor and executive in music and new media, and Elspeth Rountree, Engagement Editor at Vox Creative who created the popular and pioneering websites Know Your Meme and Rocketboom just a few years after leaving Ithaca College. Elspeth (Ellie) was listed as one of the “25 Need-To-Know Bloggers” by and a “2009 Silicon Alley Insider 100.”

A brief overview of Emerging Media—the degree and alumni outcomes—produced by students Lauren Suna and April Gingrich.

Experiential Learning

Go Where the Action Is

We frequently fund students' travel to conferences and companies to experience the latest in media innovation and revolution. 

In January 2019, two students and two professors attended the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, where they were able to hear leading speakers introduce and predict innovations in consumer goods. We've also paid for an emerging media student to travel to Turin, Italy, where he presented a research paper on artificial intelligence with his professor.

To reach our Emerging Media faculty/staff

Contact the Emerging Media Program Director

Dr. Devan Rosen, Program Director for Emerging Media
