Welcome ICPT Alumni!

We all know that your time as an Ithaca College Bomber does not end when you leave our beautiful campus. ICPT values our alumni and recognizes the contributions that you make to our program, your communities, and our profession. We are working hard to help you stay connected to each other and to our program. Thank you for your ongoing support of ICPT.

ICPT at the 2024 APTA CSM

Students learn from a poster presenter at a national conference

Current ICPT students (senior year) stopped at the poster presented by Kayleen Alvarado-Rodriguez '21, DPT '23 at the 2024 Combined Sections Meeting national conference, in Boston, MA. The poster highlights the mentoring project that pairs current ICPT students to ICPT alumni. The project was created in collaboration withJamie Kronenberg '16, DPT '18 and Teresa Chen (ICPT faculty).

ICPT hosted an alumni reception at the APTA Combined Sections Meeting (CSM), in BOSTON, mA. Over 100 ICPT alumni attended the event!

Summary of Past ICPT Events

People meet for a podcast recording session

An episode of "PT PIntcast" was recorded with at Ithaca College with the participation of ICPT faculty, alumn, and students.

Here is the link to the podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ithaca-live-podcast-diving-into-the-neurology-of/id1000443325?i=1000635028542

Alumni Spotlight

Here is a space to acknowledge the great work done by of ICPT alumni

Tim Reynolds ’12, DPT ’14, and Bryan Guzski ’12, DPT ’14, continued their friendship and professional partnership coauthoring a book, “Movers & Mentors: Leaders in Movement Science Share Tips, Tactics, and Stories.” 

To read more about this story, check the article at https://www.ithaca.edu/news/connections-last.

Interested in Advertising an Open Job Position?

If you are interested in advertising an open job position for current students and alumni, please visit our Office for Career Services to make a post on our online job platform, Handshake.

If you would like to advertise internally within our department, please email icpt@ithaca.edu.

Stay Involved

Help us stay in touch: Update your contact information here

Share your stories: We want to hear from you! Let us know what you are doing. Send us an email at icptalumni@ithaca.edu

Follow us on social media:

Instagram: @icphysicaltherapy

Twitter: Ithacapt - https://twitter.com/IthacaPt

Facebook: Ithaca College Department of Physical Therapy - https://www.facebook.com/groups/27724682365

ICPT is now on  LinkedIn!!!

  • Our pagehttps://www.linkedin.com/company/icpt-alumni/ - is open to public. Follow us on LinkedIn for updates on ICPT Alumni news, events, job opportunities, and more!
  • In addition to the page, our LinkedIn group - https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12745313/ - provides ICPT alumni, current students, faculty, and staff a place for networking group. Group members can create posts, so this group will be a good place to announce job opportunities, share any ICPT activities/events, and discuss topics relevant to ICPT Alumni.
Ithaca College Alumni Page

For more information on Alumni affairs, please visit the Ithaca College Alumni page


PT Department Office
407 Center for Health Sciences
Ithaca College
953 Danby Road
Ithaca, NY 14850

(link is a phone number) (607) 274-3342