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Cultivate Wellness

Bring your passion for health sciences, wellness, and physical fitness – along with your commitment to helping people of all ages and making a difference in your community – to ready yourself to join the next generation of the health care workforce. With us, you can hone essential career skills to be a transformative leader, practitioner, or researcher and contribute to creating a healthier world. Collaborate across disciplines focusing on holistic and equitable approaches to human health.


From health, exercise, and rehabilitation sciences to public health, choose from undergraduate majors that ready you for the workforce or graduate study (some with accelerated options), or join us at the graduate level for professional study.
A group of students cut vegetables under the watchful eye of their professor
two students sit and talk
students in surgical caps and gowns provide care to a mannequin

Learn about the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance

Start with a solid foundation in the classroom and grow from hands-on experiences in our practice labs and clinics. Capstone your studies with fieldwork, clinical placement, or internship.
About Us

We educate transformative health care professionals skilled at practicing in inclusive team-based environments.

Learn About Our Opportunities
professor helps a student to fasten testing equipment on another student
Faculty and Staff

Our expert faculty guide you through challenges and work alongside you as teachers, mentors, scholars, and practitioners.

Faculty and Staff

Experiential Learning and Career Preparation

In real-life and hands-on learning experiences, you’ll learn how to prevent injury and disease, design and implement treatment plans, consider social justice implications, and advance wellness for children, adults, and older populations.
Total Students

Join a robust community of undergraduate and graduate level aspiring health professionals.

Professional Certification Pass Rate

Prepare to excel in your profession as soon as you graduate.

Active Field Placement Sites

Unlock your skills and prepare for real-world challenges in professional and clinical settings.

Change Lives Every Day

Shape your future in one of the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance's nationally recognized academic programs.


Spotlights: The Ithaca College Story

We nurture a variety of approaches to leading transformative change – from creative research to innovative service and entrepreneurial ideas – that all bring us one step closer to a healthier world. Glimpse how people in HSHP put their focus into practice
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Tim Reynolds

Tim Reynolds

Making Every Step Count

Scaling business, mountains, and TikTok, Ithaca College professor Tim Reynolds ’12, DPT ’14, knows how to gain a foothold on unexpected terrain.

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News from Our School

In HSHP, we create the world we want to live in through research projects, community engagement, and dedication to new opportunities that improve the lives of others. Here are just a few examples of how we put our passions to use every day.


Deans Office
Smiddy Hall, 3rd Floor

Office Hours
8:30am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday

(link is a phone number) 6072743237