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Experiences outside of the classroom

In clinics, clubs, and activities outside the classroom, you can meet new people, explore different areas of health and human performance, give back to the community, and make connections and friendships that will last long after you graduate.
The 5th Annual Interprofessional Case Competition - March 2024

The 5th Annual Interprofessional Case Competiton is an opportunity for students from across HSHP programs to learn from, with, and about each other. The competition is open to all HSHP juniorsenior, and graduate students. No previous experience is necessary! 

In a case competition, you are provided with a fictional "case" about a current healthcare issue. The case is intentionally designed to have many possible solutions, requiring a multi-disciplinary perspective to analyze and identify next steps. It is a great opportunity for you to practice bringing skills from your discipline, within a team-based atmosphere, to addressing a challenging health-related problem. You will also get to meet and work alongside students outside of your degree program.