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A flexible and adaptable Chemistry B.S.

How to make this degree your own?

Studying organic in the atrium

Here is a sample of how to navigate the requirements of our Chemistry degree in four years at Ithaca College.

This degree program provides for many points of flexibility for your to devise your own focus areas in chemistry. This allows you more time in your schedule to meet your educational goals while still getting a lot of great advanced training in the field.

As examples:

  • The first 3 classes of our chemistry track are offered in year-round to give you flexibility.
  • Some core material can be found in 2-3 alternative courses to tailor your foundations.
  • A variety different half-semester and full-semester electives are offered each year.
  • Our biggest route to finding your focus—start research and learn by doing! 

An example 4 year schedule

Classes starred below are easily swapped with an alternative class to tailor your education. Be sure to speak to your advisor for the best options and switches to fit your needs and interests.