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Depth and technical experience in a Chemistry B.S.

How to make this degree your own?

Titrations in the chemistry lab

Here is a sample of how to navigate the requirements of the Chemistry B.S. degree in four years at Ithaca College with the target of meeting the level of depth and technical expertise recommended by the American Chemical Society.

This pathway through our program will provide more depth in your foundations of calculus and physics as well as additional advanced classes and laboratory experiences to push your understanding of the field of chemistry. 

The Chemistry Department values your individual development very highly. We have numerous levels for you to explore your personal interests in Chemistry as well as in your minor or general college experience. Be sure to speak to your advisor for the best options and switches to fit your needs and interests.

An example 4 year schedule

The schedule below is one example of completing our B.S. in Chemistry with accreditation from the ACS, but there are many other routes to our B.S.. Be sure to speak to your advisor for the best options and switches to fit your needs and interests.