Economics Major Options

Please see here for the detailed requirements. We have a core of required Economics and Math courses and 4 electives. With close advising by your academic advisor you can select one of our pre-packaged tracks that can help you contend with pressing issues of the day and/or prepare for graduate school. Also, the number of credits and the flexibility for BA or BS options this will will allow you to double major or minor in common complementary programs including programs from Math, Politics, or the School of Business. 

Both programs have STEM field classification from the Federal Department of Education as our major meets all the requirements for that classification. 

Optional Tracks and Complementary Majors or Minors
 Click here to get to the Ithaca College Catalog copy of the requirements for the BA or BS Programs in Economics

Optional Tracks:

To meet the elective credits you could choose one of these optional tracks and the respective courses.  You can also mix and match! 

  • Global Economics - Economic Development, International Economics, Globalization 
  • Economic Justice - Race and Economics Power, Inequality, Women and Economics, Environmental Economics or Political Economy
  • Public Policy - Money and Banking, Economics of Health Care, Environmental Economics, or Public Finance
  • Grad School Track - Econometrics II, Math-Economics, Public Finance plus selection of classes from Department of Math

Complementary Programs: 

We intentionally designed our program so that our students would have the flexibility to pursue complementary interests. We suggest considering the following programs from partners across campus: 

  • Majors or minors in the School of Business: Business Analytics or Finance. 
  • Major or minors in Math - Math or Data Science
  • Majors or minors in Sociology, Center for Study of Culture, Race and Ethnicity, Philosophy or Politics