Jack McKenna, Politics '86

Vice President Business Development, Sea-Land Chemical Company

Jack McKenna, Politics '86

When I graduated from high school in 1982 I had very little idea what I wanted to do in my life. My family pushed me to continue my education and I was lucky that Ithaca College took a chance on me…I was a fairly uncommitted student up till that point.

I had two professors in my first year that served as mentors to me all through my four years on South Hill…History Professor Joe Tempesta and Politics Professor Jake Ryan. Joe taught a variety of European History classes and Jake topics related to my Politics degree. They both helped to shape critical thinking, speaking, written communication and how to defend my positions in debate.

The open door policy of those days and in particular the one on one tutorials of my final year prepared me for the work world. If you can learn, retain subject matter, learn to listen for important points you can potentially be of great value to companies, customers and markets. These are all things I learned in part from my years on the IC campus (don’t forget the London Center…that was quite an educational experience as well).

Where did it get me? Helping to run a $150 million dollar business and as the President of a technical society.