Courses in the Department of Politics

Politics courses cover the main subfields of political science -- US politics, Comparative and International Studies, Political Theory, and Public Policy -- from introductory level classes up to 400-level seminars and tutorials.  All Politics classes are small, with between 10 to 30 students per class.

In addition to the courses listed below, students can also work one-on-one with faculty on independent study projects of their own choosing. Students can also earn credits towards the major through internships

Use the links below to explore our course offerings:

Catalog: Listing of most Politics courses.  This is a listing with a brief description of most Politics courses offered by the Politics Department. It does not include specific topics of 400-level seminars and tutorials, or of the 300-level "Selected Topics" courses (click on links for list of those specific topics).

Fall 2024

Politics Course Schedule Fall 2024. Schedule of Politics courses we are offering in the Fall 2024 semester. 

Courses Fall 2024: Descriptions.  Course descriptions for some of the Politics courses offered in the Fall, more detailed than the catalog, including titles and descriptions of seminars, tutorials, and "Selected Topics" courses that are not listed in the catalog.

If you are a continuing student (declared your major or minor before Fall 2023, or a newly declared major who took POLT courses before Fall 2023), you should click on the link below for a form to determine how many 4 credit courses you need to complete the major or minor. After you do that, you must meet with your advisor to work out which 4 credit courses are needed to complete your Politics major or minor.

Spring 2024

Politics Courses Spring 2024: Schedule. List of Politics courses and schedule we are offering in the Spring 2024 semester.

Courses Spring 2024: Descriptions. Course descriptions for Politics courses, more detailed than the catalog, including titles and descriptions of seminars, tutorials, and "Selected Topics" courses that are not listed in the catalog.

If you are a continuing student (declared your major or minor before Fall 2023, or a newly declared major who took any 3-credit POLT courses), you should click on the link below for a form to determine how many 4 credit courses you need to complete the major or minor. 

After you do that, you must meet with your advisor to work out which 4 credit courses are needed to complete your Politics major or minor.

Forms For Continuing Students to determine number of courses to finish the major or minors

These are for continuing students who declared their major before Fall 2023, , or newly declared majors who took POLT courses before Fall 2023

You must also meet with your advisor to determine the courses you need to take to meet the requirements.

file-outline Advising Form - Revised Politics Major (Fall 2023) - AdvisingForm-PolsMajorF23.doc (39 KB)
file-outline Advising Form - Revised Politics Major with a Concentration in International Studies (Fall 2023) - AdvisingForm-PolsIntConcF23.pdf (98.71 KB)
file-outline Advising Form - Revised Politics Minor (Fall 2023) - AdvisingForm-PolsMinorF23_0.pdf (108.04 KB)
file-outline Advising Form - Revised International Politics Minor (Fall 2023 - AdvisingForm-IntlPolsMinorF23_1.pdf (87.58 KB)
file-outline Advising form - Politics Major - advisingform-polsmajor.pdf (45.31 KB)
file-outline Advising form - Politics with Concentration in International Studies - advisingform-polsconcis.pdf (44.92 KB)
file-outline Politics Minor - advisingform-polsminor.pdf (33.53 KB)

Advising form for Politics Minor

file-outline International Politics Minor - advisingform-intlpolsminor.pdf (40.37 KB)

Advising form for International Politics Minor

file-outline Advising forms: Politics Minor & Int'l Politics Minor - advisingform-pols-minor-intl-pols-minor.pdf (113.76 KB)

Advising for for Politics Minor (first page) and International Politics Minor (second page)

file-outline Politics Course Descriptions Spring 2022 - polt-supplement-s22.docx (34.92 KB)
file-outline Politics Course Descriptions Fall 2022 - POLT Supplement F22.pdf (246.42 KB)
file-outline Politics Course Descriptions Spring 2023 - POLT Supplement S23.docx (26.99 KB)
file-outline Letter to prospective students - letter-to-prospective-students.pdf (171.64 KB)
file-outline Advising Form - Revised Politics & Int'l Politics Minors (Fall 2023) - Advising Forms - Minors - Pols Int'l Pols F23_3.pdf (142.81 KB)
file-outline Politics Course Schedule Fall 2023 - POLT Course Schedule F23-Display.pdf (129.65 KB)
file-outline POLT Supplement S24 - POLT Supplement S24_1.pdf (199.23 KB)

Course descriptions of Politics courses offered Spring 2024

file-outline Politics Course Schedule Spring 2024 - polt-course-schedule-s24-display.pdf (70.61 KB)
file-outline POLT Course Schedule Fall 2024 - polt-course-schedule-f24_0.pdf (71.84 KB)

(schedule coming soon)

file-outline Politics Supplement F24 - polt-supplement-f24_1.pdf (265.04 KB)