We are excited to announce that, effective Monday November 11th, 2024, the Student Employment office has officially moved from the Office of Human Resources (HR) to the Center for Career Exploration and Development (CCED). This change aims to enhance the student employment experience by integrating job opportunities with career readiness resources.
Below are some key details pertaining to this transition:
- Hope will support student employees by:
- Navigating the student employment website and application processes, ensuring students understand how to search for and apply to relevant opportunities.
- Evaluating whether student employment aligns with individual goals and schedules, while ensuring students prioritize their academic success and personal well-being.
- Explaining Federal Work Study (FWS) status, identifying available positions, and considering job timelines.
- Introducing and explaining the FWS Off-Campus Community Service Program, advocating for student involvement in meaningful, community-based work that complements their academic and professional growth.
Note: Changes or specific questions for Federal Work Study should be directed to Student Financial Services (SFS).
- Hope will also support student employee supervisors in managing student employment by:
- Providing guidance on navigating hiring systems, including the maintenance, creation, and approval of requisitions and offers.
- Offering guidelines and assistance in creating job descriptions, ensuring roles are clearly defined, and contribute to skill development and career readiness.
- Helping supervisors align job roles with the NACE Career Competencies.
- Advising on how to design job roles that align with both departmental needs and students’ professional development goals to maximize the impact of student employment on their future careers.
- Assisting with resolving minor employment issues that may arise between students and supervisors, ensuring conflicts are handled professionally and in a way that promotes student development.
Note: While we will help address minor employment issues, any cases involving sexual misconduct must be referred to the formal Title IX process. Additionally, any major conflicts that could result in ending a student assignment will be escalated to Human Resources.
- For questions related to payroll or timecard issues.
- Please contact Payroll at Payroll@ithaca.edu or the HR Help Desk.
Student Financial Services (SFS):
- For inquiries about Federal Work Study (FWS) awards, including questions about the amount or eligibility.
- Contact SFS at SFS@ithaca.edu.
Resources for Student employees are now available in CCED
- Students can access all CCED career resources online. In addition, we offer PCA drop-in hours (Mon-Fri, 11am-2pm, Thurs 11-12 and 1-2pm), where Peer Career Advisors (PCAs) provide:
- Student employment job search support
- Resume development
- Cover letter assistance
- Interview preparation
- NACE competency application
For questions, further clarification or specific issues contact Hope Borsic at:
Direct office line: 607-274-3726
Email: studentemployment@ithaca.edu or Hborsic@ithaca.edu
Schedule a meeting: [https://outlook.office365.com/book/HopeBorsicStudentEmploymentSpecialist1@ithaca.edu/]
We appreciate your patience as we work to ensure a smooth transition. Our teams are dedicated to resolving any issues promptly and making this an improved experience for all involved. We look forward to the exciting opportunities this transition will bring to our students and supervisors. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!