Summer Grants for Faculty Scholarly or Creative Work

Summer Grants are intended to support post-terminal degree scholarly or creative endeavors. This includes such activities as research, creative writing and musical composition, as well as collaborative projects between faculty and students, community service, and/or service-learning projects. Summer Grants are not intended for use by faculty in their pursuit of advanced degrees.

Awards provide $4,187 in salary compensation for eight weeks of work. Awards are made in the form of a two-month summer contract. Application due date annually: March 1st.


  • Proposals may be submitted by continuing faculty members regularly employed at Ithaca College. 
  • No individual may receive a Summer Grant in consecutive summers. Prior to distribution of funds for approved proposals, projects involving human subjects must have been reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB).
  • Faculty who receive a summer grant are obligated to return for at least a full year afterward.
  • Faculty who receive an award and choose not to return are required to return the amount of the award to Ithaca College.
  • Awardees are expected to limit their activities that may detract from this endeavor, making it their priority over other professional activities or programs, paid or unpaid.
  • Department chairs may apply while under contract to perform chair duties over the summer.

Proposal Process

Using language accessible to a wide range of academic readers, proposals should address the Review Criteria on the provided form linked at the bottom of this page.

Review Criteria

  • Objectives are clear, precise, and measurable.
  • Methodology is well-defined.
  • Project has a concrete, specific outcome—such as an article, book, or musical score.
  • Applicant possesses requisite expertise to carryout proposed work.
  • Projected timeline is specific and adequate to conduct the proposed scholarly/creative work.
  • Necessary resources are available or a detailed plan for securing resources is provided.
  • Significance of the project is established.
  • Project contributes substantially to the applicant's professional development.
  • Prospect of long-term impact, for example external support or multi-year studies, is explained if relevant.

Projects that represent a departure from one's documented areas of qualification, or that cross disciplinary boundaries are welcomed, and require careful documentation of investigator's preparedness, feasibility and significance.

Single project proposals from more than one faculty member are allowed if they are especially significant and involve work that is the main priority of both proposers during the eight weeks.

Review Committee

A review committee composed primarily of past Summer Grant recipients is appointed by the CFE Director. The committee will be chaired by the CFE director or designee and will meet on the call of the CFE director. The review committee will make recommendations to the Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. Final decisions on awards will be made and sent by the Office of the Provost.

The Committee and the Center for Faculty Excellence attempt to assure balance among schools and disciplines when the diversity of well-rated proposals warrants doing so. For example, the award committee may, in a given year, set "target categories," such as, of ten awards three to "established," three to “mid-career,” and three to "emerging" scholars/artists, and one to an interdisciplinary proposal in which an able investigator works in a new or unusually broad subject.

Simultaneous internal and external proposals are encouraged. The review committee will look with favor on projects that pilot or lay the groundwork for successful application for external funding proposals (although seeking external funds is not requisite for award of a summer grant). However, an awardee will be asked to decline the Ithaca College grant if external funds for the same project are awarded prior to or during the time of the summer award.

Sharing with the campus community

Recipients will be asked to share information on their project at campus gatherings celebrating faculty creativity, innovation, and inquiry as an example of leadership in instructional development. Submission of a proposal implies permission to share the proposal or reproduce it for on-campus discussion if it is funded.

Submit a Proposal

Submit materials through the link below. Materials due annually March 1st.