Faculty Excellence Awards

The Center for Faculty Excellence and the Faculty Development Committee seek nominations for Ithaca College’s annual Faculty Excellence Awards. We welcome ALL faculty nominations.
Submission deadline to be announced soon
Submit all materials via the FEA Submission Form. Materials sent using any other method will not be accepted.

Guidelines for Nominations

The Committee attempts to assure balance among schools, disciplines, areas of excellence, rank, and track when the diversity of well-rated proposals warrants doing so. Both self-nominations as well as nominations of others will be accepted. Each award recipient will receive $1,125. The nominee will be asked to submit a document once the nominator has submitting the nomination. 


  • Excellence in Teaching (two)
  • Excellence in Service (two)
  • Excellence in Scholarship (two)
  • Overall Excellence in Teaching, Service, and Scholarship (two, with one being for Early Career)


  • at least one year of employment at Ithaca College (employment need not be continuous)
  • full-time, full-time contingent, part-time contingent, or adjunct faculty member during the current academic year
  • any rank (adjunct, lecturer, instructor, assistant, associate, or full professor) and any track (tenure, tenure eligible, NTEN, or contingent)
  • not have received the Faculty Excellence Award within the past 5 years


Descriptions of excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service are stated in the Ithaca College Policy Manual, Volume IV: Faculty Handbook section 4.12.7. Please see below for brief descriptions of each category.

  1. Teaching: Teaching excellence remains at the heart of our institution. Excellent teaching is consistent and sustained. The Committee recognize pedagogies vary from discipline to discipline and school to school. Diversity and inclusion are considered essential components of teaching excellence and enriches our campus.
  2. Scholarship: Ithaca College and the Center for Faculty Excellence recognize many forms of excellence regarding scholarly work. The Boyer Model is one model used to embrace various forms of quality scholarship including but not limited to scholarship of discovery, integration, application, teaching, and artistic endeavor.
  3. Service: Service is also recognized on many levels including service to the department, school, college, profession, and community.
  4. Professional Activity: Continued professional experience and engagement generates valuable insight and relevance to the classroom. Professional activity expands the awareness of Ithaca College and promotes the quality and value of our institution to a broad community.

Other Areas of Distinction

Candidates should be able to demonstrate distinction specific to their appointment requirements (or beyond if appropriate) reflecting excellence in those area(s). Areas of distinction could also include, but are not limited to:

  • Diversity and inclusion initiatives
  • Innovations in teaching
  • Experiential learning initiatives
  • Sustainability initiatives
  • Effectively incorporating scholarship and/or practice into the classroom
  • Bringing regional or national recognition to Ithaca College
  • Showcasing aesthetic expression at Ithaca College (through performance, direction, exhibition, or other ways of expression)

Faculty Excellence Award Submission Requirements

It is the responsibility of the nominator (student, faculty, department chair, administrator/staff member) to ensure all required documents are submitted on the submission site. A student nominator, however, may request that this responsibility be given to a faculty member or administrator/staff member.

FEA Submission: Complete basic information and upload documents. Submit all supporting materials via the FEA Submission Form. Materials sent using any other method will not be accepted. All required items have a two page, single-spaced page limit, unless otherwise noted. Once the nomination has been submitted, the nominee will be sent an email asking to submit their nominee statement.  

Nomination for Teaching Excellence:

  • Statement from nominee 
  • Statement from a colleague
  • Statement from student/s
  • Brief statement from Chair (see criteria below; up to 250 words)
  • CV (uploaded by the nominee)  

Nomination for Service Excellence:

  • Statement from nominee 
  • Statement from a colleague
  • Brief statement from Chair (see criteria below; up to 250 words) 
  • CV (uploaded by the nominee)

Nomination for Scholarship/Creative Work Excellence:

  • Statement from nominee 
  • Statement from a colleague
  • Brief statement from Chair (see criteria below; up to 250 words) 
  • CV (uploaded by the nominee) 

Nomination for Overall Excellence Awards:

  • Statement from nominee
  • Statement from a colleague 
  • Statement from student/s
  • Brief statement from Chair (see criteria below)  (250 word maximum)
  • CV (uploaded by the nominee)  

Criteria for Statement from Department/Program Chair: Provide a brief response to describe how the person contributes to the department (or program) regarding the category for which they are being nominated (i.e. how they contribute as a teacher, or in service, or in scholarly/creative work, or overall). 250 word maximum. This statement is intended to provide brief context for the nominee's teaching, research, and service expectations. 

Previous Nominations: Nominations from past years are encouraged. Please submit updated materials so that all recent activities can be considered.

Reviewers: Nominations will be reviewed by the Faculty Development Committee. Reviewers are ineligible for these awards and may neither nominate nor write in support of a candidate. The awardees will be recognized during an in-person luncheon to be scheduled in the spring, with additional details forthcoming.

Broad Guidelines

Please see attached document for broad guidelines that the committee will consider when evaluating nominations for a faculty excellence award.

Committee Members and Past Recipients


Please contact the CFE, with any questions or concerns

FEA Recipient Video: Ali Erkan, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science