Academic Petition and Complaint Processes

Students are encouraged to take concerns directly to the person or office where the event or circumstances occurred, attempting to resolve them with the staff member involved or, if that is unsuccessful, the staff member's supervisor. In addition to the informal process described above, several formal complaint and petition processes are available to students. If you are uncertain which process below is appropriate, please consult with your Dean's Office for advice. See resources below: 

·  Petition to waive all-College academic regulations

·  Grade changes and disputes (

·  Distance learning complaint process

Petition and Complaint Processes

Confidential Resources:

Students and those who care about and support students can find additional information about resources below:

  • ICare:  The ICare Team is a collaborative work group charged with evaluating and providing timely responses to reported student behaviors of concern.  The ICare Team facilitates the academic and personal success of students, contributes to the safety of the campus community, and enhances student retention.
  • SHARE:  SHARE (Sexual Harassment and Assault Response & Education) was created to educate Ithaca College members regarding issues of sexual violence through awareness and prevention.
  • CAPS:  The Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides short-term counseling to students who may benefit from intermittent and/or brief psychotherapy.
  • Title IX:  All educational institutions in the United States receiving federal funding are required to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, which mandates that: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

External Resources

Office of Civil Rights (US Department of Education) -

NYS Division of Human Rights -

Office of College and University Evaluation (NYS Education Department) -

The Advocacy Center -