Graduate Council

A collaborative effort between the Office of the Provost and graduate chairs responsible for addressing graduate-related activities, policies and procedures, and curriculum.

Graduate Council Functions

The Graduate Council functions to:

  • Make recommendations to the Provost regarding graduate policies and procedures
  • Make recommendations to the Provost regarding degree-bearing graduate programs and curricula, including the conditions under which degrees are awarded, in collaboration with the Academic Policies Committee
  • Provide input on graduate hooding and the degree conferral process
  • Consult on marketing and enrollment strategies for graduate education
  • Suggest and discuss graduate student-related needs and activities

The full constitution of the Graduate Council is available at this link.

Graduate Council Meeting Dates

The Graduate Council meets on the first Monday of the month from 3:00-4:30 PM via Zoom unless otherwise noted. Meeting dates for the 2024-2025 academic year are as follows:

Fall 2024Spring 2025
September 9, 2024February 3, 2025
October 7, 2024March 3, 2025
November 4, 2024April 7, 2025
December 2, 2024May 5, 2025

More information about graduate programs

For questions regarding Graduate Council, please contact Chris McNamara at

For questions regarding the Graduate Curricular Subcommittee, please contact Jennifer McKeon at

For more information about graduate programs at Ithaca College and appropriate contacts for each of those programs, please see our Graduate and Professional Studies website.