Spring New Student Checklist

This is an overview of the New Student Checklist* which all students must complete PRIOR to their arrival at Spring Orientation.

New students can log into their IC Connect Portal to view their personalized checklist and get started. *This is a self-reported checklist, so please mark each item as you complete it.

Please note that parents and other family members do not have access to their students' IC Connect accounts or customized New Student Checklists. You can, however, view all possible New Student Checklist items below.

start here arrow

You will receive an email from servicedesk@ithaca.edu (sent to the personal email address you provided on the Common Application) containing instructions for setting up your new Ithaca College student account. Once you've done all these steps, it may take up to 12 hours before you can log in, and you'll get a email when your account is fully set up. Your IC account provides access to most of Ithaca College's technical platforms, such as your IC email, Canvas, HomerConnect, etc.

You will need to complete this step before you can complete certain New Student Checklist items since your IC account login will be required.

IC Email & ID Card



Please note that one of these items is legally mandated by NY state, and that processing your forms can take 1-2 weeks. It's recommended to get started on these items as soon as possible.




Community Education