2.11 Campus Recreation Facilities

2.11 Campus Recreation Facilities

Members of the Ithaca College community (students and employees) will be permitted to use Campus Recreation facilities in the Fitness Center with a valid Ithaca College ID during hours of operation. In addition, Longview residents and staff are eligible to use the Fitness Center with a valid ID (see section 2.17). Information about hours, including break/holiday hours, and facilities can be located at www.ithaca.edu/sacl/recsports or by calling the Fitness Center front desk at 607-274-3399. Please bring a clean pair of sneakers to change into while working out at the Fitness Center. Uncovered sports bras are prohibited.

2.11.1 Guest Policies

Fitness Center:

Academic Year (While Classes are in Session) – Faculty, staff and students may bring a guest to use the Fitness Center for $5.00 per day, payment should be cash or check made out to "Ithaca College." The sponsor of the guest must remain in the building while their guest is in the facility.

Breaks and Intercession – Spouses, qualified domestic partners and dependents (at least 16 years of age) may use the Fitness Center free of charge during all breaks. The guest will present his or her “summer” ID card to the front desk. These cards will not be activated during the academic year.  Showing the ID card is proof of identifying yourself to the Fitness Center staff.   If guests do not have a card, the main office in the Fitness Center will check with Human Resources verifying your relationship with Ithaca College. 

Faculty, staff and students may bring a guest with them to use the Fitness Center any time for $5.00 per day during breaks. Payment must be cash or a check made out to Ithaca College. The sponsor of the guest must remain in the building while their guest is in the facility.

Summer – The Fitness Center is open to spouses, qualified domestic partners, and dependents 16 years of age or older during the summer hours only. Faculty, staff and their eligible dependents may bring a guest to use the Fitness Center at any time for $5.00 per day during the summer, payment should be cash or a check made out to "Ithaca College." The guest must be at least 16 years old to use the Fitness Center. Please bring identification with you as a guest. The sponsor of the guest must remain in the building while their guest is in the facility.

No credit cards or ID Express are accepted at the Fitness Center. The Fitness Center hours are posted on the Recreational Sports website at: www.ithaca.edu/sacl/recsports.

  1. Spouses, qualified domestic partners and dependents are required to go to the ID Office, located on the 3rd floor of Egbert Hall.  You will receive a Fitness Center identification card. A form of picture identification is required. Dependents 16 years old without any form of picture ID must bring in some form of ID (i.e. birth certificate, driver’s permit, or social security card). Please call the ID Office at 274-3007 to confirm someone will be there to assist you.
  2. There is no charge for the initial Fitness Center/ Outdoor Pool card or the use of the facility. Previously issued Fitness Center/Outdoor Pool cards should continue to be used as long as the employee is still benefits-eligible. If you lose your initial Fitness Center/Outdoor Pool card, there is a $10 replacement charge paid at the ID office.

Fitness Center Climbing Wall:

While classes are in Session - Faculty, staff and students may bring a guest to use the Fitness Center Climbing Wall during open climbing hours. Payment should be cash or a check made out to "Ithaca College." The sponsor of the guest must remain in the building while their guest is in the facility.

Ithaca College Climbing Wall Policies

  1. The Ithaca College Climbing Wall is available for use by current students, faculty, and staff for a nominal fee. During appropriate hours, approved guests may use the wall for a nominal entry and climbing fee. Valid ID is required.
  2. Participants may only climb during open hours while wall is supervised.
  3. All participants must sign Ithaca College’s LIABILITY RELEASE, WAIVER, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE form before they can participate in any activities. Climbing is at the participant’s sole risk.
  4. Only those trained may belay. Belayers and climbers must follow ALL procedures covered in the Training session or privileges may be revoked by the staff.
  5. Participants cannot use personal climbing equipment, and must use only the gear provided by Ithaca College. Personal climbing shoes may be used. Helmets are required.
  6. Sandals, bare feet, or inappropriate shoes are strictly prohibited. Climbers must wear shirts.
  7. All shirts must be tucked into harnesses. Long hair must be tied back. Absolutely no necklaces, bracelets, or other exposed jewelry may be worn.
  8. Ithaca College is not responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen articles.
  9. Chalk is not allowed on the climbing wall.
  10. Participants must remove objects in the mouth (gum, candy, etc.) when climbing.
  11. Climbers must not make contact with the ceiling or the bolt hangers and hardware at the top of the climb.
  12. Any safety hazards and accidents, even minor ones, witnessed by participants, must be reported immediately to the staff.
  13. Patrons must abide by all Ithaca College Fitness Center policies.

Last Updated: January 30, 2025