Library patrons will be asked to present a valid Ithaca College ID to borrow materials from the College’s collections.




IC Affiliates


1 semester, 4 renewals

1 semester, 2 renewals

1 semester,
no renewals


7 days, 8 renewals

7 days, 2 renewals

7 days, no renewals

Popular Reading

4 weeks/2 renewals

4 weeks/2 renewals

4 weeks

Circulation Desk: Reserve

2 hours/in library

3 days/out of library

2 hours/in library

3 days/out of library



6 hours/in library

24 hours/out of library

7 days/out of library

6 hours/in library

24 hours/out of library

7 days/out of library


1. Special Permissions

Reference books, and bound periodicals may be borrowed for three days. Music Reference requires permission from the Music Desk located on the 3rd floor of the library.

2. Recalls

Books and scores may be recalled by students, faculty or staff at any time. Recall notices are sent via email to the user’s Ithaca College email address. Recalled books and scores are due back in three weeks, or on the original due date, whichever occurs first. Multimedia materials may also be recalled; the due date will not be adjusted due to the shorter loan periods. Items recalled by library staff for reserve use are due back in seven days, or on the original due date, whichever occurs first.

a) Faculty, Administrators and Staff

Library materials can be renewed up to eight times. If items reach the presumed lost status, replacement charges are added to the borrower's account after fourteen days. Library items are considered “Lost” after one day or fourteen days after the due date depending on item type. Please see https://library.ithaca.edu/policies/loans.php for more information.

b) Students

Students will be assessed late fines at the rate of $1.00 per day, up to $10.00 per item for recalled materials and special permissions; $1.00 per hour, up to $20.00 per item, for overdue reserve and $1.00 per hour, up to $20.00 per item, for overdue laptops. If items reach the presumed lost status, replacement/overdue/processing charges are added to the borrower's account after fourteen days. Replacement charges are added to the borrower’s account after one-day for hourly loan items. Fines may be paid by check, money order, ID Express or credit card at the Circulation/Reserves Desk. The library transfers any library fines or fees to the Office of Student Financial Services after thirty days.

c) IC Affiliates

Alumni, spouses and qualified domestic partners of employees, and retirees may be issued a library card after completing a registration form, available on-line. Once issued, borrowers will be asked to present the library card and a valid photo ID in order to borrow materials from library collections. IC Affiliates may check out a total of 15 items. Late fines will be assessed at the rate of $5.00 per day, up to $20.00 per item for recalled and special permission items. Late fines may be paid by check, money order or credit card. Note: The Library is not able to provide remote access to subscription databases other than those listed on the Alumni Resources page due to licensing agreements with the publishers which limit such access to current students, faculty and staff. The library offers walk-in access to databases.

3. Due Dates

Courtesy e-mail notices are sent one week prior to the due date containing a list of books and scores charged to the patron's account. This information can also be reviewed at any time via the Accounts option on the library home page.

4. Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary loan will obtain books, scores, journal articles and other materials not owned by the Ithaca College Library for use by faculty, administrators, staff and students. Due dates for interlibrary loan materials vary and are assigned by the library that loans the material to our library.

Last Updated: February 15, 2024