4.11 Faculty Personnel Records

4.11 Faculty Personnel Records

This section applies only to non-unionized faculty. Terms and conditions of employment for faculty who are represented by a union should are governed by the applicable collective bargaining agreement.

Because appointment as a faculty member may lead to a continuing relationship with the College, it is essential that there be documentation to support official actions involving each individual, especially those actions pertaining to appointment, promotion, review for multi-year appointment, layoff, and dismissal.

Each faculty member should have two files - an official personnel file and an evaluation folder. All material in both the file and the folder is accessible to the faculty member except those materials the access to which the faculty member has expressly waived. The official personnel file of a faculty member may be reviewed by the faculty member in the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Educational Affairs. Likewise, the evaluation folder may be reviewed by the faculty member in the office of the dean.

The official personnel file is available on a need-to-know basis only to the Ithaca College Board of Trustees, the president of the College or designee, the College's legal counsel, the provost & vice president for academic affairs, the director of human resources or designee, the individual faculty member, or others specifically designated in writing signed by the president of the College.

The official personnel file will be kept in strictest confidence and will be available for confidential use only to the individuals indicated above. However, for a valid reason, a faculty member may authorize in writing access to the faculty member's file by a person not indicated above. Further, the College may permit access to and copying from such files, pursuant to lawful requests and identification of federal, state, or local agencies relevant to investigations, hearings, or other proceedings pending before such agencies or the courts.

4.11.1 Official Personnel File

As revised by the Ithaca College Board of Trustees 5/15/2004 and 10/24/2008.

Basic documents to be found in each faculty member's official personnel file in the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall include:

  1. Letters of application (originals) and an official transcript of the highest degree completed;
  2. Any personal data/information relative to employment;
  3. Appointment form(s);
  4. Payroll change documents (salary increases or changes, changes in status);
  5. Administrative documents relating to performance (including letters of warning, suspension, or dismissal);
  6. Tenure and/or promotion related documents including, but not limited to, formal recommendation documents from committees or individuals; and
  7. Salary and fringe benefit data.

4.11.2 Official Evaluation Folder

Basic documents to be found in each faculty member's official evaluation folder in the dean's office shall include:

  1. The dean's yearly performance review (decision documents only) and the faculty member's response;
  2. An updated résumé;
  3. Administrative documents relating to a faculty member's performance (including letters of warning, suspension, or dismissal);
  4. Any additional information that the faculty member or dean wishes to place in this file that pertains to the faculty member's professional background or accomplishments.

The official evaluation folder is a portfolio organized and maintained by the respective dean's office. This folder should contain only those materials that pertain to contract renewal, promotion, tenure, and recognition for special awards. The faculty member may place in the folder a written response to any materials for review. All material placed in the folder shall be copied to the faculty member.

Last Updated: May 25, 2021