As approved by the Ithaca College Board of Trustees 02/07/2025
The title of professor emeriti is granted in recognition of a sustained record of significant contributions to the College over a period of time.
This is an honorary title awarded after retirement to those who have made sustained contributions to the College and/or to their profession in teaching, scholarship, and service.
To be eligible for emeriti status a faculty member must:
a. have retired from the College;
b. have served at least fifteen years in notice or continuous appointments at the College;
c. have attained the rank of Associate Professor or above, inclusive of Clinical faculty;
d. have had a sustained record of significant contributions in teaching, scholarship and/or professional activity, and;
e. have had a sustained record of significant service to Ithaca College.
Faculty may not be nominated prior to the date of retirement. Department faculty may not begin consideration or discussion of any candidate prior to the date of retirement.
Ordinarily, a faculty member’s department, school or division will nominate a faculty member for emeriti status, but an individual may be nominated by any member of the College community. Nominations shall include documentation of the merit of the candidate relative to the criteria above. Nominations not generated by the candidate’s department will first be sent to the appropriate department for its review and comment.
- Individuals may be nominated at any date following retirement
- Deans will review nominations on November 1st of each year and forward nomination(s) along with their recommendation(s) to the provost by January 1st
- The provost will review and forward recommendation(s) to the president
- The president will review and forward recommendation(s) to the Board of Trustees at the Winter Board meeting.
- Posthumous awards may be granted to retired faculty or to faculty who die prior to retirement.
Faculty being honored will be recognized at Commencement. Emeriti status is effective on July 1st.
Perquisites for professors emeriti include:
- Title;
- Library privileges;
- Complimentary athletic pass;
- Parking privileges;
- Faculty discount at bookstore, concerts, plays, etc.,
- Office and laboratory space, where available (Specific requests should be submitted through the dean);
- Staff support, where feasible. (Specific requests should be submitted through the dean);
- Continued use of the faculty member’s e-mail services through the College.
4.3.2 Artist/Writer/Scholar-In-Residence
The College may appoint distinguished artists, writers, poets, and scholars to the special status of artist/writer/scholar-in-residence. Such appointments shall be full-time or part-time depending on the needs of the College and are term appointments. The appointment of an artist/writer/scholar-in-residence does not prejudice the academic personnel rights of any other faculty member with respect to the contractual policies set forth in Volume IV of this Ithaca College Policy Manual.
4.3.3 Visiting Assistant Professor, Visiting Associate Professor, and Visiting Professor
These are titles usually assigned to individuals who are on leave or have retired from the College or other institutions and who will be teaching at the College for no more than two (2) years before returning to their home institutions or to their retired status.
Librarians perform both academic and administrative functions. Their terms of appointment and promotion vary from those applicable to other faculty or staff and are described in Volume V of the Ithaca College Policy Manual. Librarians provide essential academic services as an integral part of the teaching and learning process. They serve on faculty committees in order to be aware of and fully responsive to the curricular and informational needs of the College community. They also perform administrative functions required by the mission of the College library.
4.3.5 Administrative Officers and Academic Rank
As approved by the Ithaca College Board of Trustees 5/19/2007 and 2/16/2012.
The president, provost & vice president for academic affairs, associate and assistant provosts, deans, associate and assistant deans, and academic administrators may be given courtesy professorial rank with the approval of the planning units or schools within which they are ranked. The courtesy rank given (assistant professor, associate professor, or professor) shall be approximately equivalent to the administrator's experience and credentials as evaluated by the planning unit or school. Such faculty status or courtesy rank does not confer the faculty rights and duties described elsewhere in the Ithaca College Policy Manual including voting membership on faculty committees.
An administrator does not accrue credit towards tenure while holding a courtesy rank, nor does the granting of rank permit the administrator to claim a position within the planning unit or school.
A tenured Ithaca College faculty member who is appointed from within the College and accepts a full-time administrative position at the College as president, provost & vice president for academic affairs, associate and assistant provost, dean, associate and assistant dean, and academic administrator maintains rank and tenure in the department or division where tenure had been granted. By September 1 of the beginning of the second year in administration, the Ithaca College faculty member/administrator who accepts an administrative contract must inform the department, school and/or division and the provost & vice president for academic affairs of the intent to return to the faculty or to continue in an administrative position. If the decision is to continue in administration, the tenured faculty member retains tenure in the department or division where tenure was granted. Should the faculty member/administrator choose to return to the faculty sometime in the future, the faculty member returns to the department or division in which tenure is held at a salary commensurate with the rank and experience within that department or division. This salary is to be paid from the Ithaca College administration budget and will not affect the department or division budget. This provision affects only those administrators appointed to their current positions on or after August 16, 1993.
The faculty position left vacant by an Ithaca College faculty member who is appointed from within the College into administration can be left vacant, covered by existing faculty resources, or filled by a temporary replacement. If filled by a temporary replacement, the position is a term appointment of no more than two years.
If, at the beginning of the second year of administration, the faculty member/administrator chooses to remain in administration, and if the department or division continues to have a need for this position, the department or division may at that time request a permanent position which may be a full-time tenure-eligible position. If the request is approved by the dean and provost & vice president for academic affairs, the department or division may initiate a search for this position. Hiring Provost with Tenure
As approved by the Ithaca College Board of Trustees 5/15/2004.
A candidate for the post of provost and vice-president for academic affairs who has earned and been granted tenure as a faculty member in an academic department of an accredited college or university, may be granted tenure by the Ithaca College Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the relevant department, division and/or school tenure and promotion committee(s) and the president in accordance with the procedures outlined in the “Tenure Procedures for Provost Candidates” as found on file in the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The review by the relevant department, division and/or school will be based on the current curriculum vitae as submitted by the candidate under review. The school or division must involve each evaluating unit that would be used in the tenure review process for that area, excluding the dean. That is, if the candidate is seeking tenure in a school or division where both a department and school or division review take place, both bodies must be consulted. In schools or divisions where only one body reviews candidates for tenure, that body alone would do the review. Hiring Deans with Tenure
As approved by the Ithaca College Board of Trustees 5/15/2004.
A candidate for a position of dean who has earned and been granted tenure as a faculty member in an academic department of an accredited college or university, may be granted tenure by the Ithaca College Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the relevant department, division and/or school tenure and promotion committee(s), and the provost and president in accordance with the procedures outlined in the “Tenure Procedures for Dean Candidates” as found on file in the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The review by the relevant unit will be based on the candidate’s current curriculum vitae as submitted by the candidate under review. The school or division must involve each evaluating unit that would be used in the tenure review process for that area, excluding the dean. That is, if the candidate is seeking tenure in a school or division where both a department and a school or division review take place, both bodies must be consulted. In schools or divisions where only one body reviews candidates for tenure, that body alone would do the review.
Last Updated: May 25, 2021