Daniel Briotta

Professor Emeritus, Physics and Astronomy

  • Instructor: Dan Briotta
  • TA's:
    • Soumyajit Bose (B31 Rock, sb2293), and Ben Gregory (130 Clark, bg436)
    • Office Hours: TBA
  • Text:
    • University Physics, 14th Ed., Young and Freedman
    • PHYS-2214 Lab Manual
  • Course Requirements:
    • Attend lectures
    • Do assigned reading and problems
    • Write quizzes in recitation section
    • Carry out six laboratory units
    • Write three exams
  • Web Page: 
    • ​The course web page is at "faculty.ithaca.edu/briotta/phys2214/",  but if you're reading this, you probably already know that. Go there to check the syllabus, course schedule, and homework assignments.
  • Course Organization:
    • ​Lectures are Monday through Friday at 11:30 AM in Clark 294B.
    • Recitations meet in Rock 132 or Rock B26 both Tuesday and Thursday at 2:30 to discuss homework assignments, lecture, and laboratory materials. Homework will be collected, graded, and handed back to you by the TA. Short quizzes, 10-20 minutes, will be given by your TA on the material being covered. Quizzes will be graded, and will count toward your section grade.
    • Laboratories meet in the basement of Rockefeller Hall immediately after recitation. You are expected to complete all the labs. Although there are no actual lab reports, there will be questions about the laboratories on all exams.
    • There will be three non-cumulative exams. All exams are ninety minutes. Exams will cover both the relevant lecture materials and the laboratories. Two preliminary exams will be given in class on July 10 and July 24. Exams are 90 minutes long, from 11:30-1:00. Note that this is 15 minutes longer than the usual class! See me if you have a class immediately after this class. The third and final exam is on Monday, August 5 at the final exam time. It will be given in one session from 1:30-3:00 PM
    • ​​Course Grade: 60% Exams, 24% Quizzes, 16% Homework
    • The normal grading scale is: A: 90-100, B: 80-89, C: 70-79, D: 60-69, F: <60
    • Students performing below the level of C on exams will be asked to meet with the TA and/or the instructor to see what can be done to bring their grades up.
    • Requests for regrading of exams must be in writing and must specify exactly why additional credit is warranted. 
    • No requests for changing an exam grade will be accepted more than 48 hours after an exam is returned.
    • Your final grade is FINAL: no work may be handed in for additional credit after the final exam.
    • A grade of "Incomplete" is awarded only to allow missing work to be made up, and only if all other work is satisfactory, and only if advance arrangements have been made with the instructor about both the work to be completed and the deadline for completing the missing work.
  • ​Accommodation:
    • ​It is Cornell policy to provide reasonable accommodations to students who have a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, or systemic) that may affect their ability to participate in course activities or to meet course requirements. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact Student Disability Services and their instructors for a confidential discussion of their individual need for academic accommodation. Student Disability Services is located in 420 CCC. Staff can be reached by calling 607.254.4545.