David Weil

Vice President and Chief Information and Analytics Officer, Information Technology & Analytics

Articles and Publications

  • Higher Education Generative AI Readiness Assessment - EDUCAUSE, April 4, 2024 (Contributor)
    The Higher Education Generative AI Readiness Assessment is designed to provide a sense of your institution’s preparedness for strategic AI initiatives.
  • Digital Transformation 2.0: The Age of AI - EDUCAUSE Review Feature Article of the Week, February 5, 2024
    With the rapid developments in artificial intelligence, higher education is entering a second phase of digital transformation: Dx 2.0. Technology and other campus leaders can take steps now to help prepare their institutions.
  • 7 Questions College Leaders Should Ask About AI - Inside Higher Ed, February 1, 2024
    Seven essential questions that leaders should consider to help frame conversations about AI on their campuses
  • A Modern Framework for Institutional Analytics - EDUCAUSE Review Article, February 14, 2023
    An effective institutional analytics program has become essential to providing proactive student services and informing strategic actions. Leveraging a modern framework that describes the elements of a mature data and analytics program can help colleges and universities obtain actionable insights.
  • A Dx Roadmap for Leading the New Hybrid IT Workforce - EDUCAUSE Review Feature Article of the Week, May 18, 2022 
    The temporary shift to a remote IT workforce has evolved into permanent hybrid teams for many colleges and universities. Leaders can become more effective in this new normal by leveraging the EDUCAUSE Digital Transformation (Dx) framework as a roadmap to transform their leadership approach and make the most of this new way of working.
  • Advancing Your Career without Leaving Your Institution - EDUCAUSE Review Editors' Pick, February 2022
    Higher education IT professionals can successfully advance their careers without moving to another college or university. The author shares the lessons he learned during his thirty-three-year journey from IT student employee to CIO at the same institution. These tips are helpful regardless of whether someone chooses to stay at one location or move around.
  • Putting All Three Components of Digital Transformation to Work on Campus - EDUCAUSE Review Editors' Pick, May 2021
    The technology aspect of digital transformation is obvious, but the other two elements—shifting culture and workforce—are just as important.
  • Top 10 IT Issues 2020: The Drive to Digital Transformation Begins - EDUCAUSE Review, January/February 2020 (Contributor)
    The EDUCAUSE 2020 Top 10 IT Issues describe the start of the higher education drive to digital transformation, as colleges and universities work to simplify, sustain, and innovate.
  • In Tandem - NACUBO Business Officer Magazine, March 2019
    The analytics and IT teams at Ithaca College work as partners to help campus leaders make data-informed decisions to advance the college mission. Co-authored with Dr. Yuko Mulugetta.
  • Tying It All Together: Integration iPaaS in the Next-Gen Enterprise - EDUCAUSE Review, February 14, 2018
    The iPaaS model is emerging as a key technology in the move toward next-generation enterprise IT, allowing higher education institutions to better integrate, manage, and maintain services and applications on campus and in the cloud.
  • Top 10 IT Issues 2018: The Remaking of Higher Education - EDUCAUSE Review, January/February 2018 (Contributor)
    The 2018 Top 10 IT Issues show how digital technology is remaking higher education through four key themes: institutional adaptiveness, improved student outcomes, improved decision-making, and IT adaptiveness.
  • Enterprise IT Perspectives on the 2018 Top 10 IT Issues - EDUCAUSE Review, January/February 2018
    IT systems in higher education house increasingly important institutional data across a growing complexity of systems and applications, requiring IT leaders to consider ways to integrate and leverage data as part of a mission-driven/client-centric approach to IT strategy.
  • Enterprise Architecture Practices: A Holistic Approach for Planning Next Generation Services - EDUCAUSE Review, July 2017
    Institutions often implement learning environments and IT platforms as separate efforts despite their commonalities. Holistic planning and thoughtful attention to IT enterprise architecture will be key to successful implementation of both the next generation digital learning environment and next generation enterprise IT.
  • How to Succeed When Getting a New Supervisor: Tips and Resolutions - EDUCAUSE Professional Development BLOG, February 2016
    With a refreshed perspective, you can not only survive the transition to working with a new supervisor, but also thrive and flourish.