David Weil

Vice President and Chief Information and Analytics Officer, Information Technology & Analytics

Presentations and Professional Activities

Please see links for my publications and interviews.

Presentations, Seminars, and Webinars

  • The Data Revolution in Higher Education: A Modern Framework for Institutional Analytics - Tech Tactics National Conference, November 8, 2023
  • A Modern Framework for Institutional Analytics - EDUCAUSE 2023 National Conference, October 11, 2023
    An effective institutional analytics program has become essential to providing proactive student services and informing strategic actions. Join us for a discussion about strategic guiding principles and key competencies that form part of a modern analytics framework that can help your institution obtain actionable insights from your data.
  • EDUCAUSE Leadership Series: Effective Leadership for a Transformed Workforce - Webinar, February 1, 2023
    Shifting workplace culture and practices is the most challenging aspect of any transformation or change effort, and it requires intentional leadership focused on practices, processes, and policies that impact the way people approach their work. In this track, we'll look at how leaders are intentionally and successfully supporting the transformation of their work cultures to maximize the positives, such as space efficiencies, optimized technology, retention, flexibility, while minimizing the challenges.
  • A Journey from Surviving to Thriving in a Rapidly Changing Workforce - NERCOMP Webinar, November 9, 2022
    Join Wesleyan University and Ithaca College as they share how they have embraced new approaches to work post-pandemic. Dave Weil, Ithaca's CIO, and Karen Warren, Wesleyan's Deputy CIO, will share their approaches and facilitate a discussion about how supervisors and employees are navigating the world of remote, hybrid, and in-person workers; including tips, techniques, and tools to help us all continue our journey from surviving to thriving.
  • Advancing Your Career without (Necessarily) Leaving Your Institution - EDUCAUSE 2022 National Conference, October 27, 2022
    We are often told that we need to change institutions to advance our careers—but many higher education IT professionals successfully advance without moving to another college or university. During this poster session we'll discuss ways to be thoughtful and intentional about career choices and how to position yourself to take advantage of opportunities when they arise, no matter where they may be.
  • From Surviving to Thriving: the 4Cs of a Highly Effective Hybrid and Remote Workforce - EDUCAUSE 2022 National Conference, October 27, 2022
    Culture eats strategy for breakfast. Suddenly, the workplace has changed dramatically for all of us. We have had to adjust how to communicate, lead, and build shared culture and connection with those we serve. Discover how three institutions have embraced new approaches to work and how we create and maintain our culture.
  • Demystifying Digital Transformation (Dx) - EDUCAUSE 2022 National Conference, October 26, 2022
    EDUCAUSE has been providing digital transformation resources and institutional self-assessments for nearly five years, and a case could be made demonstrating that elements of Dx have been around for decades. However, as busy leaders and practitioners in the throes of the complex educational technology landscape, many of us have not been able to observe the foundations of Dx. As education, technology, and the workforce continue to shift at breakneck speed, this session is designed to slow things down and to give participants an opportunity to understand Dx, to provide resources and use cases, and to celebrate the practices you may have already established at your institutions. Hear a panel of experts share how they have implemented Dx as part of their institutional culture and how the operational and human resource optimizations have changed the way they serve their students, faculty, and staff. 
  • EDUCAUSE Executive Leaders Academy, Faculty Member and Academy Co-Developer, October 2022 - April 2024
  • Moving from Surviving to Thriving in the New Normal of Remote, Hybrid and In-person Work - NERCOMP Annual Conference 2022, March 16, 2022
    With staff no longer all working together in person, we’ve had to adjust the way we communicate, lead, and build shared culture and connection with those we serve. Wesleyan University and Ithaca College have embraced (albeit cautiously) new approaches to work post-pandemic. Up to 70% of their IT staff are either partially or wholly remote at any given time. Dave Weil (CIO, Ithaca College) and Karen Warren (Deputy CIO, Wesleyan University) will share their approaches and facilitate a discussion about how supervisors and employees are navigating this new normal of remote, hybrid, and in-person workers, and share tips, techniques, and tools to help us all continue our journey from just surviving to thriving.
  • Leveraging Digital Transformation Principles to Effect Institutional Change - EDUCAUSE Webinar, November 4, 2021
    What's transformative at one institution might not be transformative at another. And each institution’s appetite for digital transformation (Dx) is driven by its own context, needs, and goals. How can higher education leaders leverage Dx principles to best move innovation efforts forward? Understanding one's own institutional culture and being able to tailor campus conversations to fit is an important consideration for success. In this webinar, three leaders will present examples from their own institutions of digital transformation initiatives. 
  • EDUCAUSE Hawkins Leadership Roundtable, Track co-lead: Leading a Remote Workforce, October 2021
  • Driving Strategy: Are we there yet? - Panelist, Canvas Caravan Northeast: Adapting to Digital Learning as it Evolves at Lightning Speed, May 4, 2021
  • EDUCAUSE Online Senior Directors Institute, Faculty Member and Program Co-Developer, April - July 2021 (session 1), August - November 2021 (session 2)
  • The Ripple Effect: The Importance of Executive Sponsorship - Alliance Virtual Conference, March 18, 2021
    A successful digital transformation relies on forging strong executive partnerships that will steer the organization through radical change towards a nimble, agile future. Join Ithaca College to explore how the alliance of key executives and vendor partners plays a vital role in achieving critical implementation goals, including strategies to ensure widespread adoption, mobility and productivity.
  • EDUCAUSE Learning Lab: Leading Digital Transformation at Your Institution - November - December 2020
    Digital transformation (Dx) is more urgent now than ever. This seminar will help you understand what digital transformation can mean for higher education and what you can do to move the Dx needle at your institution. You’ll come away with a plan for developing a Dx roadmap for the first leg of your digital transformation journey that aligns institutional priorities with achievable digital transformation goals.
  • Transform the Educational Experience Through Blended Learning - Presenter, Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (CICU) Webinar, November 12, 2020
  • Digital Transformation – Implications for Business and Technical Architects in Higher Education - Panelist, ITANA Webinar, January 10, 2020
  • Digital Transformation: How to Know It When You See It - EDUCAUSE 2019 National Conference, October 15, 2019 
    Does a new CRM lead to digital transformation (Dx)? It depends. Do online classes result in Dx? Maybe. Come to this session to hear from the EDUCAUSE Task Force on Dx about what makes a project transformational and how to move Dx work forward at your institution.
  • Faculty Director, EDUCAUSE Institute Senior Director's Leadership Program, Salt Lake City, July 22 - 25, 2019 (Inaugural Program)
  • EDUCAUSE Live! Webinar: Digital Transformation in Higher Ed: What is it and Why Should You Care? - Webinar, November 8, 2018
    Digital transformation (DX) is having a profound impact across all industries, but what does it mean for higher education? Join members of the EDUCAUSE Digital Transformation Task Force as they describe their efforts to understand what DX means for higher education and why institutions should be planning for change now.
  • Leading an IT Organization: Using Engagement to Change Culture -  EDUCAUSE 2018 National Conference Senior Directors Seminar, Denver, CO, October 30, 2018
  • It takes a budget to build (and support) a space program - SIGUCCS National Conference, October 10, 2018
    When reaching for the stars, one has to have a long-term strategy that includes a budget to support goals, and a replacement plan for critical infrastructure. How do IT department budget cycles fit into a school's overall financial cycle? What should be considered when developing a plan for planned replacement? How can IT departments work with the school's administration to get more funds? How can equipment and facility lifecycles be extended without degrading services? This panel discussion will address these questions by providing an overview of a school's fiscal cycle, how IT department budgets operate within that context, and strategies that can be used to advance the mission. 
  • Navigating Your Path to Leadership - SIGUCCS National Conference, October 8, 2018
    No two paths to middle and senior leadership positions are exactly the same, but there are ways you can prepare yourself for a successful journey. During this interactive session we will explore topics such as thinking about your personal leadership style, preparing for the journey, thinking about different pathways to leadership, tips and discussions about the differences of being an internal vs. an external candidate, working with search firms, presenting yourself in writing, via phone, and during the interview, and lots more. 
  • EDUCAUSE Live! Webinar Encore! Findings from the Enterprise IT Summit 2018 - Webinar, May 15, 2018
    The 2018 Enterprise IT Summit, a collaboration of EDUCAUSE, NACUBO, and AIR, focused on using information to drive meaningful change in higher education. In this webinar you will hear summit presenters discuss the best ideas and recommendations that emerged from the event and how you can turn those recommendations into actionable next steps at your institution.
  • The Power of Collaboration: Leveraging a Strong CIO/CAO Partnership to Advance Analytics at an Institution - EDUCAUSE Enterprise IT Summit, Orlando, FL, March 6, 2018
    Enabling a data-driven decision making environment is a complex undertaking. Learn how a strong partnership between the CIO (chief information officer) and the CAO (chief analytics officer) has allowed Ithaca College to pave the way by focusing on the technology, data models, talent, and culture to enable a data-driven environment in a time of limited resources.
  • EDUCAUSE Live! Webinar: The EDUCAUSE 2018 Top 10 IT Issues, Technologies, and Trends - Webinar, February 8, 2018 
    EDUCAUSE releases its research-based, member-driven Top 10 IT Issues, Top 10 Strategic Technologies, and Trends Watch reports annually. Collectively, these resources help members plan for the year and describe technology’s impact and opportunities to institutional leaders. Four CIO panelists who helped identify the top 10 IT issues for 2018 will join the webinar to reflect on their meaning and uses.
  • Collaborating to Enable a Data-Driven Environment: The Chief Information Officer + Chief Analytics Officer Partnership - EDUCAUSE 2017 National Conference Poster Session, Philadelphia, PA, November 2, 2017
    Enabling a data-driven decision making environment is a complex undertaking. Learn how one institution leveraged a strong partnership between the CIO and the CAO to pave the way by focusing on the technology, data models, talent and culture to enable a data-driven environment in a time of limited resources. 
  • What the Heck is Next Generation Enterprise IT? - EDUCAUSE 2017 National Conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 1, 2017
    Issue #9 on the EDUCAUSE 2017 Top 10 IT issues list is next generation enterprise IT, defined as "developing and implementing enterprise IT applications, architectures, and sourcing strategies to achieve agility, scalability, cost-effectiveness, and effective analytics." But what does that mean for your institution? In this session, representatives from the Enterprise IT Advisory Committee will discuss the drivers for this issue, how it is changing the work of IT, and what you should be doing to move your institution into the next generation of enterprise IT. 
  • Personal Leadership - EDUCAUSE 2017 National Conference Senior Directors Seminar, Philadelphia, PA, October 31, 2017
  • EDUCAUSE Live! Webinar: Helping Tie It All Together: Integration Platform as a Service as Part of the Next-Gen Enterprise - Webinar, August 24, 2017
    Why would you consider integration platform as a service (iPaaS), and what can you look for in available options? This webinar will consider why iPaaS is an important addition to next-generation enterprise solutions. Focusing on strategic rather than technical aspects, we will take a look at how IPaaS plays into an overall strategy for integrating processes, applications, and services as well as the role it can play in enabling progress toward institutional goals.
  • Congratulations! You are (or you are getting) a new leader: strategies to make the transition go smoothly from both sides of the desk - SIGUCCS 2016 national conference, Denver, CO, November 6-9, 2016
  • Personalize…IT: The importance of speaking to both the head and the heart - EDUCAUSE 2016 National Conference Senior Directors Seminar, Anaheim, CA, October 25-28, 2016
  • Finding your leadership style - EDUCAUSE 2016 National Conference Senior Directors Seminar, Anaheim, CA, October 25-28, 2016
  • Four Cornerstones to Transforming an IT Organization to Meet Current and Future Challenges, - EDUCAUSE 2016 national conference, Anaheim, CA, October 25-28, 2016
    Today's IT organization must be able to respond to current and future challenges facing IT and higher education. Learn how one institution transformed their IT operation by focusing on the four cornerstones of people, governance, strategy, and services, and created an innovative new organization and strategic plan in the process.
  • Using Engagement to Transform, Reimagine, and Realign IT - EDUCAUSE 2016 National Conference Poster Session, Anaheim, CA, October 25-28, 2016
  • Foundations: Enabling the Adoption of New Technologies on Campus - EDUCAUSE 2015 National Conference, Indianapolis, IN, October 29, 2015
    New innovative and disruptive technologies are always on the horizon. Join us to learn about a collaborative framework that raises awareness about the importance of engaging the campus in establishing a strong set of foundational elements, which will allow an IT organization to more rapidly support new and emerging technologies.
  • Aligning IT with the Institutional Mission: Finding the Right Balance (Run, Grow, Transform) - EDUCAUSE 2014 National Conference, Orlando, FL, September 30, 2014
    In times of fast change and limited resources, achieving the right balance between operations and strategic activities that support the mission of the institution is always a challenge. Join us for an interactive discussion to share ideas and techniques on how IT organizations can strike the right balance between what Gartner refers to as Run (ongoing operations), Grow (incremental growth and improvements), and Transformational (transformative change) activities
  • Foundations: Enabling the Adoption of Innovative and Disruptive Technologies on Campus - EDUCAUSE Connect: Baltimore, Baltimore, MD, May 1, 2014
    New innovative and disruptive technologies are always on the horizon. While it is important to evaluate specific technologies for their appropriateness to the campus, the arguably more important task is to look at overall trends to identify what foundational enabling technologies, policies, organizational alignments, and skills we need to have in place to be best positioned to embrace them. This session will provide some background and examples, and then engage participants in a discussion to identify emerging technologies and the possible foundational elements that we should be putting in place to help enable them.
  • Establishing a Foundation for Disruptive Technologies - Panel presentation, Ithaca College, October 24, 2013
    Abstract: Can we identify underlying themes for "disruptive innovations" and then use those themes to help inform us about technologies and policies we should have in place to enable the easier adoption of these and other innovations? 
  • Making Time for the Strategic Initiatives: Exploring Ways to Obtain a Better Balance - EDUCAUSE 2013 Enterprise IT Leadership Conference, St. Louis, MO, April 18, 2013
    Abstract: An IT organization must adjust the services it offers and how it provides them so that it can have the ability to focus on initiatives that help the institution address its strategic objectives and needed transformations. Join us for an interactive discussion to share ideas on how an IT organization might achieve a better balance between "operational" and "strategic" activities. Suggestions to be explored include service portfolios, service delivery models, IT governance, and departmental organization as well as using a "balanced scorecard" approach to categorize and define service delivery criteria.
  • Implications for Outsourcing Technology on Student Policies - Cornell/EDUCAUSE Institute for Computer Policy and Law, Ithaca, NY, July 20, 2011
    Abstract: An examination of some of the implications for student policies when you outsource a core technology service such as ResNet.
  • Rethinking the Modern-Day Campus Portal - EDUCAUSE 2010 National Conference, Anaheim, CA, October 14, 2010
    A modern campus portal can be used for a lot more than just accessing campus services. It can help bridge a person's on- and off-campus worlds, build community, and improve security. Using Ithaca's innovative myHome@ithaca portal as an example, we will discuss ways to rethink the campus portal.
  • Developing a next-generation campus Web portal - EDUCAUSE 2009 National Conference, Denver, CO, November 3-6, 2009
    The goal was to think "outside the box" to create a web portal environment to help bridge on- and off-campus worlds, improve access to resources, and allow community members to publish their own information portlets and collections. This presentation discusses what we came up with as a next-generation web portal.
  • Outsourcing ResNet - EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, Baltimore, MD, January 12-14, 2005
    Providing ResNet services has become complex and expensive, from legal issues to virus outbreaks to bandwidth hogs. At Ithaca College the decision was made to outsource our ResNet operation for 4,400 students starting with the fall 2004 semester. This is an overview of our experiences and the issues we faced.

EDUCAUSE Committee and other work

  • 2023 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report | Supporting the Holistic Student Experience Edition - Panelist (2023)
  • Collaborated with EDUCAUSE to create the EDUCAUSE Executive Leaders Academy and one of the faculty members for the inaugural program.
  • Jisc/EDUCAUSE US/UK round table: Digital Transformation in Teaching and Learning - Invited Participant (2021)
  • Contributing Author and Content Developer for the EDUCAUSE Institute Senior Director On-Line Program (2020) 
  • AIR/EDUCAUSE Advisory Group on IT/IR (2019)
  • IT Issues Panel (2017, 2019)
  • Task Force on Digital Transformation (2018)
  • Senior Directors Seminar - Faculty Member and Mentor (2014 - 2018)
  • Expert Panel on IT/IR Collaboration - Invited Panelist (October 2018)
  • Concept Coach, EDUCAUSE Enterprise IT Summit (March 2018)
  • Expert Panel on Next Generation Digital Environments– Invited Panelist (August 2017)
  • Enterprise IT Working Group (2015 - 2017)
  • 2014 National Conference Program Committee - Domain Chair, Leadership and Management Domain (2013 - 2014)
  • 2011 Enterprise and Information Technology Conference Program Committee (2010 - 2011)
  • Professional Development Advisory Committee (2006 - 2009)
  • Security Task Force Policy and Legal Issues Working Group (2005 - 2009)