STI Testing and Treatment

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) - also called sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) – are often caused by bacteria or viruses, and are typically passed from one person to another during sexual contact. STIs are spread most often during unprotected oral, vaginal, or anal intercourse. However, some infections – like HPV and herpes – may be passed by skin-to-skin contact.

FAQs for STI Testing at Student Health Services

STI Prevention

You can lower your risk of contracting STIs (and/or unplanned pregnancy) in the following ways:

  • Participate in sexual experiences that are respectful, consensual, and affirming.
  • Talk with your partner about the kinds of sexual experiences you want (and don’t want).
  • Assume that any sexual partner has an STI, and plan accordingly for protection.
  • Buy safer sex supplies and/or birth control supplies and keep them where they are needed.
  • Get immunized against Hepatitis A and B, and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).
  • Consider the risks associated with sex under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs.
  • Consider the risks associated with sexual activity facilitated by online hook-up apps.
  • Think about what challenges (if any) make it difficult to maintain your commitment to practicing safer sex, and make plans to circumvent those challenges.
  • Get support if you feel confused, frustrated, or overwhelmed; Student Health Services is here for these and other sexual health issues.