LGBT Center

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LGBTQ Film Series Screening of Vito

Textor Hall

Film student Vito Russo was among the crowd that fought back against the police raid of the Stonewall Inn in 1969. He would go on to become one of the most outspoken and inspiring activists in the LGBT community’s fight for equal rights. His book The Celluloid Closet explored the ways gays and lesbians were portrayed on film. He also traveled to gay film festivals and college campuses with his entertaining and informative lecture/clip show on media representation and homophobia.

LGBTQ Film Series screening of After Forever, with co-creator/writer and IC alumnus Michael Slade ’74

Textor Hall

Presented in collaboration with the Ithaca College Gerontology Institute and Theatre Department

A story about a gay couple and their friends as they negotiate life, love, loss, and new beginnings. Michael Slade is the co-creator, writer and executive producer of this highly acclaimed short-form digital series. Mr. Slade is an award winning playwright, librettist, television writer, and children’s author.

Visual AIDS Day With(out) Art 2018 looping screening

LGBT Center resource room

For the 2018 Day With(out) Art, Visual AIDS presents Alternate Endings, Activist Risings which will be shown as a looping video presentation on Friday Nov 30 from 1 - 3 pm, in the LGBT Resource Room. This hour-long video program will be screened internationally today and tomorrow at museums, art institutions, schools and AIDS organizations.

Celebrate International Pronouns Day October 17

Excited to share your pronouns? Unsure about what exactly a pronoun is, or why they matter?

International Pronouns Day is a holiday for both the enthused and the confused to share and learn more about pronouns. It seeks to make asking, sharing, and respecting personal pronouns commonplace. Celebrate with us! On this day the LGBT Center will sponsor a variety of events including:

Creating from Chaos: A dialogue with Hierald Osorto, Director of Religious and Spiritual Life

Campus Center

Coming out is not a linear journey; just ask Hierald Osorto. Join us for a conversation with Hierald about forging intersecting identities and finding belonging as a queer Latinx person of faith. Each year the LGBT Center hosts a speaker for with ties to the campus or local community in commemoration of National Coming Out Day. In past years, highlighted speakers have included notable people in the fields of research, media, writing, the arts, advocacy and activism, and law and public policy.

Thank A Banned Author in the LGBT Center

Hammond Health Center

Is there a book that changed your life, or represented YOUR experience, or meant a lot to you? Odds are, it's probably been banned or challenged. During the noon hour on Tuesday September 25 and Thursday September 27, we're providing postcards, computers, and addresses for authors whose work has frequently been banned, such as: