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Career Closet Fashion Show

Emerson Suites
Join the Center for Career Exploration & Development for the first annual Career Closet Fashion Show part of Career Opportunities Week (COW)! This event will focus on career readiness and developing your professional brand through a 30-minute runway style fashion show featuring clothing from our very own Career Closet. And don't miss out on the exciting opportunity to engage with campus representatives from offices such as the Ithaca Firsts Center, Office of Student Engagement, and more!

13th Annual Wheels for Women Benefit Cabaret

On Saturday, February 17, 2024 at 7PM, the senior class of the Center for Theatre and Dance at Ithaca College will present the 13th Annual Wheels for Women Cabaret. The cabaret will be performed in the Hoerner Theatre, Dillingham Center on the Ithaca College campus. This year’s cabaret is being dedicated to colleague Patricia (Patty) Zimmermann, who tragically passed away just before the commencement of the current academic year.

Wheels 4 Women 13th Annual Cabaret

Hoerner Theatre
Wheels for Women works in partnership with the Shanti Bhavan Shelter for victims of domestic violence in Kerala, India to provide shelter residents and community members with the training necessary to become licensed auto rickshaw drivers (like taxi drivers in the U.S.). Through this training, abused women and victims of the sex trade gain the job skills needed to work towards financial independence and away from their abusers. We are putting on a cabaret to raise this money, and there will be singing, dancing, poetry, and a bake sale.