Student Loan Lenders

Searching for the most beneficial loan program for students and their families.

Alternative/private loans are offered by private lenders to provide funds to pay for educational expenses. You should generally consider federal student loans first, and then take out a private student loan if you need additional funds. Alternative loans are made by private organizations such as banks, credit unions, and state-based or state-affiliated organizations, and have terms and conditions that are set by the lender. 

Your credit—and your cosigner’s credit—are evaluated, along with other details provided on your application. Applying for a private student loan with a creditworthy cosigner may increase your chances for approval and may help get you a better interest rate, since many students haven’t had time to build up their own credit.

Things to Consider

  • Who will be the primary borrower, the student or the parent?
    If it is the parent, then consider the Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan. If the student is to be the primary borrower, then consider the alternative loan programs listed within ELMSelect.
  • Is the borrower 18 or older?
    Some lenders have a minimum age requirement of 18 in order to borrow through their programs. (Ask the lender about whom it considers an “Eligible Borrower.”)
  • Does the loan need a co-signer?
    The co-signer assumes responsibility if the primary borrower does not pay. A co-signer with an excellent credit score may secure a lower interest rate or enable the loan to be approved by the lender. A cosigner must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
  • How important is the interest rate as compared to the loan period?
    The higher the interest rate and the longer the repayment period, the more the borrower will pay over the life of the loan. However, the monthly payment may be less if the borrower chooses a longer repayment period.
  • How much should the borrower apply for in funding?
    Borrow only what your student really needs. Also, think about how much your student will need to borrow each year to ensure that the lender allows for the aggregate amount needed. Typically, it is advisable to use the same loan program throughout your student’s education.

Application Process

It is extremely important to begin the alternative loan application process in a timely manner.  We recommend applying for your loan at least 30 days prior to the semester payment deadline in order to ensure that your loan will be processed before the payment is due.

We understand that searching for a loan program that fits your needs may be difficult. That is why we have partnered with ELMSelect to make the process of comparing lenders and their products easier. Here, you can compare rates, terms, and even complete an application.  Begin comparing lenders using the link below:

ELMSelect - Ithaca College

Should you choose a lender or program that is not on this list, please know that we would be happy to work with any lender or program. You have the right to select a program that is the best fit for you and your family.