All Requests for Filming or Photography in the A&E Center must fill out the form below.
Before granting permission to film or photograph in the Ithaca College A&E Center a A&E Center staff member must review and approve each submitted request. Submitting a request does not automatically gain permission for a “shoot.” Requesters should present an outline or storyboard for each project. The A&E Center Staff reserve the right to refuse any application for filming or photography.
The following activities are not permitted:
- No filming in any locker rooms
- No filming people without prior consent
- Only film in the approved areas
- If move any equipment must return to original location
- Do not restrict any route of access or egress (blocking any aisle or walkway/hallways)
- Entering staff workspace at service desks, offices, or cubicles
- Only way to film outside normal building hours must pay for supervision and someone on A&E Center Staff has to be willing to work scheduled time requesting
The A&E Center expects all students to obey all rules of the Ithaca College A&E Center and those in the Ithaca College Student Handbook. You are also responsible for your equipment, the actions of crew, etc. at all times.