"Balancing Alcohol & Substance Use to Improve College Success"
What is BASICS?
BASICS is a confidential service that provides students with an opportunity to explore their alcohol, cannabis and other substance use. BASICS is designed to assist students in examining their own substance use patterns and experiences in a non-judgmental setting. The goal of BASICS is to help students reduce high-risk behaviors and harmful consequences from substance use so that they can improve their success in college, both personally and academically.
What can I expect in BASICS?
BASICS typically involves two 50-minute meetings with a health promotion specialist which are scheduled approximately one week apart. Meetings are offered in person and via Zoom. In BASICS meetings, you will have an opportunity to discuss and explore your level of risk, consider possible changes you might make, and identify practical strategies that you could take to reduce your risk.
BASICS uses a harm-reduction approach, so it is not an abstinence-only program. Personal goals for achieving a healthy balance with substances are set by the students themselves.
You can schedule a BASICS appointment by calling 607-274-3136.
How can I assess my substance use?
This customized survey will give you feedback about your substance use for alcohol, cannabis (marijuana) and/or nicotine.