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Student Leadership Institute (SLI) Workshops

Student Leadership Institute Workshops

The BIPOC Unity Center is presenting a series of workshops for the fall semester, covering conversations based on understanding the definitions of allyship, consent, micro-aggressions, implicit bias, and intersectionality. 

These workshops are geared towards entry-level knowledge of social justice and inclusion work, providing students with a safe space to explore these topics and the questions they may have.


Echoes of Identity: The Language of Culture; Unpacking African American Vernacular English (Leading in a Diverse World)Tuesday, September 17th12:10-1pmIthaca Falls Room
Racial Microaggressions (Leading in a Diverse World)Friday, September 20th12:00-1pmTaughannock FallsRoom
Understanding Implicit Bias and Race (Leading in a Diverse World)Tuesday, October 8th12:10-1pmIthaca Falls Room

RSVP and sign up for one of the virtual workshops above through Engage! Workshops can be found under the BIPOC Unity Center page for events.

Joining our Engage page also ensures you get up-to-date information about events and news from our office, so request to be a member to get alerts when we post!

The full schedule is included below of future workshop dates and times for the Fall semester: 

Questions or concerns about the SLI Workshop Spaces?

If you have any questions or concerns regarding workshop times, access, or general questions, please reach out to us at or contacting us via our social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: @icbipocunity)