What are Peer Tutors and Success Coaches?

Peer Tutors (Learning Coaches)

Peer tutors (Learning Coaches) help students understand difficult course concepts by sharing discipline specific learning strategies in content-specific peer tutoring sessions.

Please Note: We try to help students in any way we can! Due to our volume of requests and limitations on tutors, we cannot guarantee that every student that submits a request will be matched with a tutor. When we receive a tutoring request for a course we do not have a tutor in, we collaborate with faculty and other campus partners to support the student.

Request a Peer Tutor
Peer Success Coaches

Peer Success Coaches (PSCs) mentor students who wish to develop collegiate-level academic and social engagement skills. They meet and gather with students in one-on-one and small group settings

Peer Success Coaches can help students with:

  • Adjusting to college
  • Getting organized
  • Setting goals
  • Building confidence
  • Staying motivated
  • Time management
  • Study skills

Peer Success Coaches are available to provide support and guidance to first- and second-year students as you navigate the college experience. (Juniors and seniors seeking PSC services are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.)

Request a Peer Success Coach

Are you interested in becoming a Peer Tutor (Learning Coach) or Peer Success Coach? We hire throughout the semester based on student requests. Contact us at tutoring@ithaca.edu for more information. We encourage faculty to recommend students who are academically talented to serve as tutors for the center for student success. Please email your recommendations to tutoring@ithaca.edu.