
School of Business Retirement Celebration

Our School of Business community invites you to join faculty, current students, and your fellow alumni next month as we celebrate the incredible accomplishments of faculty members who are entering retirement.

School of Business Virtual Retirement Celebration
Thursday, February 18, 2021
7:00 - 8:00 p.m. EST

The evening will serve as a send-off for eight beloved members of the School of Business faculty: Alan Cohen; Kurt Komaromi; Abraham Mulugetta; Susie Rosenthal; Warren Schlesinger; Gwen Seaquist; William Tastle; and Fahri Unsal.

Family Week: School of Business Student Panel


The School of Business Peer Advisors will talk about their role supporting students in World of Business and beyond, as well as how they’ve taken advantage of the unique opportunities available to business students at IC. Especially of interest to families and supporters of first-year students.

Exploratory Fall Welcome!

The Exploratory Program Welcomes Explorers to Fall 2020. Come join us on Friday, September 11th from 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. We will get to know each other around a virtual campfire. Join us for casual conversation and fun!

When? September 11, 2020

What time? 4:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Where? Join Zoom Meeting…

Business Administration (B.S.)

Business Administration (B.S.)

New for Fall 2024

Please note that, as of Fall 2023, our business degree offerings have expanded to include the majors listed below. These majors will replace our existing Business Administration B.S. degree. Current students enrolled in Business Administration will be supported through the completion of their degree. New students, starting with Fall 2024 entry, will be encouraged to apply to one of our new business majors, coming soon to Common app. 

New Business Majors at Ithaca College

Long gone are the days when a person who wanted to succeed in business could train on the job and keep that job for his or her whole life. In today's warp-speed economy people change jobs quickly, as the marketplace dictates. The successful businessperson therefore has to be a knowledgeable generalist as well as a field-specific expert.

Our bachelor of science degree in business administration will train you to be both. Since you'll complement your business curriculum with a substantial number of courses in the liberal arts, you'll become the flexible, innovative thinker today's CEOs are seeking.

In your first two years you'll take required business courses that introduce you to the worlds of accounting, law, and management. In addition, you'll take courses in the humanities, writing, the social sciences, and the natural sciences. Your third year is the time to begin a primary concentration and start focusing on that topic. This is also when you might take additional courses in ethics, finance, marketing, or operations management.

Not all your time, though, will be spent in class: you'll also gain real-world experience. Our internship staff has helped students secure positions all over the world, as well as in downtown Ithaca. Our many activities and clubs will also help you prepare for a lifetime of success in the global economy.

More Opportunities

On campus our clubs are active in hosting guest speakers, sponsoring charitable events, and helping students with the crucial details of business manners and job hunting. We even hold an annual business etiquette dinner, which will help you ace your job-interview meals -- teaching you how to use the right fork, order the right food, and say the right thing.

Student organizations and honor societies include

  • Accounting Association (Institute of Management Accountants-affiliated chapter)
  • American Marketing Association
  • Beta Alpha Psi honor society
  • Beta Gamma Sigma honor society
  • Business Sustainability Ambassadors
  • Career Connections
  • Core Trading Consultants
  • Deans' Hosts
  • Dean's Student Advisory Council
  • Financial Management Association and IC Investment Club
  • IC Entrepreneurs
  • International Business Association
  • National Association of Black Accountants
  • School of Business peer advisers
  • Sigma Iota Epsilon honor society
  • Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE)
  • Women in Business Network
  • Corporate Accounting
  • Finance
  • International Business
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Sport Management

Accounting (B.S.)

Accounting (B.S.)

Our B.S. in Accounting program prepares you with the background for successful follow-up study in our professional M.S. in accounting program. If you stay and complete our separate M.S. graduate degree, you will be eligible to sit for the CPA examination. Our graduates boast some of the best CPA exam pass rates in the state!

Professional. Substantial. Career-oriented.

Our academic program leads graduates to success in passing New York's certified public accountant exam and in career placement at some of the top national and international public accounting firms. You'll have ample opportunity to test your skills through cocurricular activities such as internships, community service, and student organizations with an accounting focus. In short, this program is a well-regarded point of entry into a profession that is consistently in high demand.

Academic Program

Once in the program, you’ll receive a thorough grounding in accounting and business principles necessary for entry into the accounting profession, including financial, managerial, tax, assurance, and consulting. Our courses expose you to a wide range of issues in the reporting and interpretation of financial information. For example, the capstone course in the graduate program considers recent developments and emerging issues, such as how international financial reporting standards will affect U.S. companies. Another course addresses legal aspects of fraud investigation in forensic accounting.

Liberal arts courses and electives round out this professional core. Another plus: The undergraduate program gives you the flexibility to do a second minor or concentration in order to meet your personal and professional goals.

Internships and Professional Experience

We recognize that internships are a great way for students to gain professional experience. In fact, all business students take part in experiential learning as part of their requirements to graduate. This work may take the form of an internship or community service relevant to the business degree.

Cocurricular Activities

You will practice real-world skills, too, with cocurricular activities such as the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, which provides income tax assistance to local participants. During spring break, several VITA students travel to Alaska to provide the same services to native Alaskans in isolated towns and villages. Our student organizations and professional associations are an excellent way to learn professional development and leadership: our clubs and campus chapters -- for example, the Beta Alpha Psi honor society, the Ithaca College Accounting Association, and the National Association of Black Accountants -- consistently earn top awards for leadership and professionalism.


The benefits are tangible: Our alumni occupy top positions and leadership roles at national and international accounting firms, such as PriceWaterhouseCoopers, KPMG, Grant Thornton, BDO, Ernst & Young, and Deloitte; they also work in significant positions in accounting and auditing at prestigious corporate and not-for-profit organizations, including the McGraw-Hill Companies, eBay, JP Morgan, and Deerpath Capital Management. Whether you pursue the B.S. or M.S. track, you will be prepared to provide auditing, consulting, and income tax services to nonprofit organizations, businesses, and individuals. All in all, an Ithaca accounting degree is an excellent way to advance your career in accounting.