Co-Curricular Symposium

The Office of Student Engagement hosts the Ithaca College Co-Curricular Symposium at the end of each academic year, giving students across the Ithaca College community the ability and opportunity to demonstrate how their co-curricular experiences have shaped them as better students, community members, and leaders.
Save the Date: Co-Curricular Symposium 2025!

The 2025 Co-Curricular Symposium will take place on Thursday, April 24, 2025 at 11am-1pm in the Clark and Klingenstein Lounges.  Applications to present a poster or live presentation will open in March 2025!

Previous Co-Curricular Symposium Events

Check out these videos of the student presentations at previous Co-Curricular Symposium events!  Students have presented on student organization leadership, community service, student employment, and more!

The 2024 Co-Curricular Symposium video is coming soon!

Co-Curricular Symposium Presentations 2023

Co-Curricular Symposium Presentations 2022

Questions About the Co-Curricular Symposium?

Reach out to the Office of Student Engagement and your question will be directed to the right person!