Leading Others

Provides students with practical strategies for leading effectively in groups in the classroom, the home, the workplace, and beyond.

Throughout this SLI track, I have learned how to be a better team member. I have grown into the belief that a leader is just as much of a member of a team as everyone else is, but what makes them a leader rather than just a team member is that the other team members feel safe coming to them about issues and know that they will be heard. I plan to use this growth in my future professional environments, whether I'm in managerial positions or not, and allow my fellow team members to flourish through my support.

Chess Cabrera '24

A Sample of Leading Others Workshop Offerings

BomberTHON: How Community Outreach and Fundraising Has Impacted the College Experience - BomberTHON is a student organization dedicated to raising awareness for children’s health issues and fundraising for our local children’s hospital. Come learn about what BomberTHON does, how we build a sense of community on and off campus, and how you can make a difference in your local community!

Presented by Sophia Testani '24, Former Executive Director, IC BomberTHON

Do We Manage Change, or Does Change Manage Us? - This presentation will focus on the process of change. What situations make it difficult to change? What makes it easy? We will discuss the factors involved in managing change, which includes personality preferences, reframing situations, and recognizing stressors.

Presented by Ben Hogben, Access Services Manager, Library

Inspire a Shared Vision: Be a FISH Philosopher - The FISH! Philosophy is a fun and meaningful way of working that is inspired by the work culture at Seattle's Pike Place Fish Market. Come to this session and learn how to build stronger relationships with team members you work with in an organization on campus, or at a job, or even with the people you live with!

Presented by Mish Lenhart, Director of Student Engagement

Elevate Your Communication - In this session, we will use Maryanne O'Brien's The Elevated Communicator as a basis to learn about four communication styles. You will take a self-assessment to determine your style and then learn about how the styles interact with each other. We'll also discuss how we may need to flex toward other styles in order to communicate effectively with people in our workplaces and organizations. After all, the basis of a great working relationship is strong communication!

Presented by Jess Shapiro, Assistant Director of Student Engagement