Leading in a Diverse World

Enhances students' understanding of other people through the lens of personal identity development, learning about the experiences of people in other identity groups, and exploring various topics related to diversity and social justice.

I plan to apply the information gained through attending these sessions in my future professional and career pursuits. Leading in a Diverse World has enabled me to explore careers with equity and inclusion, understand implicit bias and race repercussions, foster connections through shared experiences, take meaningful actions for diversity and social justice, and more!

Lais Kawabata ‘27

A Sample of Leading in a Diverse World Workshop Offerings

Understanding Implicit Bias and Race - In this workshop, students should expect to learn what is "implicit bias", also called "unconscious bias", how it impacts us all, and ways in which we can work to challenge the biases that we carry on a daily basis. They will also connect how it directly presents itself to race, all while providing space for open dialogue and opportunity for questions.

Presented by BIPOC Unity Center Peer Educators

Shaping Leadership Narratives: Empowering Journeys of Womxn of Color in Leadership - Join us for the start of Ithaca College's annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Week with a panel discussion focusing on the experiences of women of color in leadership roles at Ithaca College. Our esteemed panelists include Nicole Eversley Bradwell, Executive Director of Admission; Dr. Te-Wen Lo, Associate Professor of Biology; Mika Kennedy, Assistant Professor in The Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity (CSCRE); and our very own President Cornish.

Coordinated and moderated by Shadayvia Wallace, Associate Director, BIPOC Unity Center

Leadership Lessons Learned Abroad - Join us for this presentation by Leadership Scholars who studied abroad in 2022-2023 as they share highlights of their experiences in other regions of the world. You will learn about the leadership skills used to navigate systems, stories of communication successes and failures, and important things to look out for if you are considering traveling abroad. 

Presented by Mish Lenhart, Director of Student Engagement

Communal Transcendence: Mandala Creation and Shared Imagination - Jane-Marie Law, associate professor of religion at Cornell University, will deliver a public lecture entitled "Communal Transcendence: Mandala Creation and Shared Imagination". This is one of the educational events to go along with mandala construction on campus by monks from Namgyal Monastery Institute of Buddhist Studies.

Coordinated by Diana Dimitrova, Director of International Student and Scholar Services, Office of International Programs and Co-Leader of Mindful IC

As a leader and future teacher, I hope to use what I have learned to better help educate and relate to my future students. I also learned how being a supportive ally is crucial to personal development. I lastly want to use my new knowledge to help inspire and lead social changes within society whenever and wherever needed.

Jordan Stecker '21