Student Leadership Institute Proposals

Anyone on campus can present an SLI workshop: faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community partners included!

SLI workshops should be: 

  • Interactive and engaging
  • Generally 45-60 minutes long
  • Concerning any topic that can be tied back to leadership
  • Focused on Leading Self, Leading Others, Leading in a Diverse World, or Leading @ IC 

Submit your proposal using this link - see due dates below. 


Fall 2024 

Block I

Fall 2024

Block II

Spring 2025 

Block III

Spring 2025

Block IV

Proposal Due Date08/12/202409/30/202501/10/202502/24/2025

SLI Sessions can take place on the following dates:

  • Block 1 - 09/03/2024 thru 10/16/2024
  • Block 2 - 10/21/2024 thru 12/06/2024
  • Block 3 - 01/27/2025 thru 03/07/2025
  • Block 4 - 03/17/2025 thru 04/25/2025

Partner Programs

In addition to creating workshops just for SLI, any campus office or organization can partner with SLI and include their educational programs in our SLI lineup! We post these workshop sessions to our IC Engage page in order to track attendance, and a Student Leadership Consultant will be present at your event to take attendance for SLI credit. 

Any requests to offer existing events for SLI credit can be submitted via the SLI proposal form following the same dates and deadlines as above. Please consider which of our four paths would fit best with your program, and we will let you know if we accept your program as part of our series! 


Reach out to Jess Shapiro, Assistant Director of Student Engagement!