Information for Pregnant Students

Here at IC, we understand that no two individual experiences are the same. This page shares some resources and collects information geared to guide and encourage pregnant students and alumni as they navigate college and the job search journey. Several departments on campus are always available to meet and provide more individualized support and resources including the Title IX Office, the Career Center, Counseling and Psychological Services and Student Health Services.

This information has been gathered from various resources to offer support to the pregnant student. We will continue to develop this information and build this space for you to rely on. With every piece of information that’s online, we urge you to use discretion and other research to find the best steps for your unique journey.

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions about/for this page, feel free to email them to us at

Employees including student employees are allocated paid time to express breast milk, learn more here.

If you become pregnant, the Title IX Coordinator, Linda Koenig can provide you with resources and help you understand your rights. | 607-274-7761

Know Your Rights

  • You have the right to stay in school. You cannot be forced to transfer to an alternative school, a special school for pregnant students, or a GED program.
  • You have the right to take time off from school for prenatal visits, childbirth, abortion care, and other health reasons related to pregnancy.
  • You have the right to receive educational support during the time you take off from school, and you must be allowed to pick up where you left off when you return.
  • You have the right to decide on your own what to do about your pregnancy.
  • You can decide to have an abortion, continue with the pregnancy, or make an adoption plan. No one can force your decision.
  • You have the right to consent to all health care that affects your pregnancy and childbirth. You don’t need your parents’ or anyone else’s permission.

Learn More About Your Rights

  • Protections for Pregnant Students - The federal implementing regulations for Title IX require colleges to allow pregnant and postpartum students to take leave of their academic obligations without penalty because of medically necessary absences associated with pregnancy, childbirth, or postpartum recovery. Following time off, postpartum students must regain the status they previously held, including (if practicable) in extracurriculars and athletics. Pregnant students are entitled to accommodations or adjustments following an interactive process similar to the disability accommodation process. If a student requires accommodations to participate fully in the classes or extracurriculars and the accommodations are reasonable, they must be provided.

    Learn More About Title IX Protections

    Financial Aid Options

    Contact Student Financial Services to learn about options available to you if you choose to take a leave of absence. 

    It is always a good ideas to apply for scholarships and grants. A great resource to search for these can be found here: Find Scholarship & Grant Applications Here

    Everyday Tips for Pregnant College Students

  • Managing schedules
  • Ask for help
  • Do what you need to be comfortable
  • Ask your school for help—meet with your school’s Title IX Coordinator or counselor regarding what your school can do to support you in continuing your education.
  • Keep notes about your pregnancy-related absences, any instances of harassment and your interactions with school officials about your pregnancy, and immediately report problems to your school’s Title IX Coordinator, counselor, or other staff.
  • If you feel your school is discriminating against you because you are pregnant or parenting you may file a complaint:
    • Using your school’s internal Title IX grievance procedures.
    • With the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR), even if you have not filed a complaint with your school. If you file with OCR, make sure you do so within 180 days of when the discrimination took place.
    • In court, even if you have not filed a complaint with your school or with OCR.

      More Information Found Here

If you become aware that a student is pregnant, it is important that you provide them with the Title IX Coordinator, Linda Koenig's contact information. | 607-274-7761

Frequently Asked Questions - The Pregnant Scholar

Provide Measures

  • To ensure a pregnant student’s access to its educational program, when necessary, a school must make adjustments to the regular program that are reasonable and responsive to the student’s temporary pregnancy status. For example, a school might be required to provide a larger desk, allow frequent trips to the bathroom, or permit temporary access to elevators.
  • As required by Title IX, assist pregnant and parenting students who have excused absences by providing them with make-up assignments and exams. As long as the absences are excused, schools should allow pregnant students to make up the work that they missed.
  • Encourage pregnant and parenting students to seek the assistance of school counselors who can provide the support needed to help the students remain in school.
  • Contact pregnant and parenting students and encourage them to continue in school and show your support
  • Request to participate in workshops, or to hear from speakers who can share information, on how to provide support to pregnant and parenting students, including addressing the challenges that they may face trying to juggle work, complete school, and care for their children.

    More Information Found Here

Start Your Search Early

Getting everything in order in advance will help you incase the job search takes longer than expected and if pregnancy related reasons pivot your focus, so preparing in advance will set you ahead of the game.

  • Contact Career Services at Ithaca College to get your materials ready. 
  • You may want to talk to Career Service about planning a timeline, organizing your calendar, updating your resume, creating, or refining your LinkedIn profile, and gathering your references.

Avoid Making Pregnancy the Focus

You can absolutely get hired while pregnant but now is the time to focus on your career overall. The time of your pregnancy and maternity leave are short compared to your future career span.

  • How to Negotiate a Job While Pregnant- Focus on the skills and experience you bring to the table. What made you want this job? What skills do you have that make you the right candidate for this role? What can you bring to the table?

This is your time to talk about your career desires, how valuable you are and why you are the best candidate for the role. 

Decide What & WHEN You Want to Share

Remember you do not have any obligation when to share or what to share. Research the company culture to see if they are family-friendly. If you choose to be more open and share a bit of your pregnancy with them, the response and support may be able to help you decide what best for you. It seems that pregnant people feel it best to disclose after receiving a formal offer in writing. As always, do what feels right for you.

  • Disclosing Pregnancy During the Interview- Depending if your interview is in person or not may leave you no choice but to address your pregnancy but truthfully you still don’t have to mention it, even then. While this may bring your questions from employer, it gives you the opportunity to give good, thought-out answers showing you’re prepared. At this stage, if you decide to disclose your pregnancy reassure the employer that you are very interested in the company, want a long term career at the company, and the small period of maternity is a “drop in the bucket” compared to the time you would like to work at this job.

  • Disclosing Pregnancy After the Offer- This is the preferred stage pregnant job seekers disclose their pregnancy and once disclosing the employer shouldn’t treat your differently . At this point you are in a strong position, negotiating salary, benefits, and have the discussion of flexible hours or work from home time. In the case the company at this point revokes the offer you can make the argument that there is discrimination at play, look at filing a charge of discrimination with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission(EEOC). Apart from that, it speaks volumes about the company culture and may have you decide to look elsewhere, where there is more support and less toxic company culture. Chances are things won’t come to that point. You will show you’re reliable, skilled, trustworthy, all regardless of your pregnancy status. So, don’t give up and go get hired!

Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) 

This act covers pregnancy-specific discrimination. That includes pregnancy, childbirth, and related conditions. Specifically, the Act says that an employer can’t refuse to hire someone who is pregnant long as they can perform the “major functions” of their job.