Center for IDEAS (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Social Change)

Localist ID

SOCC Presents: Professionals of Color Panel

Campus Center

Join the Student of Color Coalition to hear the experiences of young professionals of color on IC's campus!

This event is intended to connect students of color with young professionals of color. The panel will highlight the experiences of professionals of color in their positions, how they came to their positions, and how you as a student of color can navigate similar positions.

Smoke Signals

Campus Center

Following the discussion "Being a Settler on Native Land" is a screening of the movie 'Smoke Signals'. This film, fully produced by an all-Indigenous production team, follows the story of two young men, Thomas and Victor, on a journey to retrieve the ashes of Thomas' father.

This event is co-sponsored by the Students of Color Coalition, IC Proud, and DKA Professional Cinematic Society.

Being a Settler on Native Lands

Campus Center

In celebration of Indigenous People's Month, Students of Color Coalition, DKA Professional Cinematic Society and IC Proud will hold a discussion event centered on the topic of "Being a Settler on Native Land". Following this will be a screening of Smoke Signals directed by Chris Eyers.

IC Voices: Activism is Our Legacy

Campus Center

An archival event to capture the legacy of Ithaca activists and their impact. This event features Peyton Falk, indigenous student activist for Native Rights.

The Center for IDEAS is beginning a new long-term project to document the many different activisms of IC students! To do this we are interviewing activists, asking them about themselves, their activism, and their vision for the future.

Café con IDEAS

Campus Center

"Can you be my Ally?" (9/18)- Is it truly possible for white people to comfortably speak up and with people of color? How can we destroy the white saviorship complex? Moyo will dissect what she believes it means to genuinely be an ally.

"50 Shades of Black" (10/9)-​​​​​​​ Spoken-word, Improv, Tea-time, vocalises, and a whole lotta organized chaos about Identity and Individualism.

"When the Brass Goes Unpolished" (11/6)-