Suggested Course Sequencing

Here you will find suggested course sequencing for all majors in theatre and dance. You will meet with your advisor to make specific plans which could deviate from these suggestions given your interests.

Current Course Sequencing

file-outline Acting - act-2023_0 (pdf)
file-outline Musical Theatre - mt-pathway-fall-of-24_1 (pdf)
file-outline Stage Management - sm-2023_1 (pdf)
file-outline Theatre Administration - tam-2023_1 (pdf)
file-outline Theatre Production and Design - tpd-2023_1 (pdf)
file-outline Theatre Studies - bats-2023_1 (pdf)

Archived Suggested Course Sequencing

file-outline Acting - act-pathway_1 (pdf)
file-outline Musical Theatre - mt_-pathway (pdf)
file-outline Stage Management - sm_pathway (pdf)
file-outline Theatre Arts Management - tam_pathway (pdf)
file-outline TPD - Design Concentration - tpd_design_pathway (pdf)
file-outline TPD - Tech Concentration - tpd_tech_pathway (pdf)
file-outline Theatre Studies - bats_pathway (pdf)