Emergency Procedures

For any emergency, including fire, explosion, illness, or injury, contact the Office of Public Safety (P-Safe):

  • 607-274-3333 from any cellular phone.
  • If you do not have access to a cellular phone, P-Safe can be reached from a campus phone at 4-3333.  Campus phone locations:
    • The technical director’s office in the scene shop.
    • Any faculty member’s office.
    • Blue phone outside the loading dock door to Dillingham, next to F Lot.
    • Blue phone by the bus stop at the traffic circle outside the Peggy Ryan Williams Center.
    • On the desk in the costume shop.
    • Outside Dillingham Center near Smiddy Hall (near the campus map).
  • Please do not attempt to dial 911 from your cellular phone.  There is a substantial delay when contacting emergency services from a cellular phone; P-Safe will be able to respond to a distress call on campus much more quickly than public safety officials dispatched by 911.

Emergency Procedures

See below for specifics