Production Opportunities
Production Opportunities
All Assistant Director applications are due by 5:00 pm on the first Monday after Spring Break.
Assistant Director (AD) assignments are open to Theatre Studies majors. Students who wish to be considered for an AD assignment must have taken or be taking Directing I. Students who plan to take Directing I in the fall may apply for a spring production (pending successful completion of the course). Additionally, applicants must have received a B or better in any foundation courses completed thus far.
These positions are intended to provide the student AD with the opportunity to participate in a Center for Theatre and Dance production as a member of the creative team. By the end of the assignment, students will be able to:
• Identify fundamental directing tools in the staging and design process
• Observe and reflect on productive collaboration models
• Communicate observations to the director in a supportive, collaborative manner
• Uphold the vision of the director in all actions and communications
• Practice the protocol and expectations of production, including design and/or production meetings, rehearsals, technical rehearsals, preview and performance
• Follow industry and union standards
• Execute all duties as assigned by the director
• Apply discoveries to their own practice.
All Dramaturgy applications are due by 5:00 pm on the first Monday after Spring Break.
Dramaturgy assignments are open to Theatre Studies majors. Students who wish to be considered for a dramaturgy assignment must have completed Dramaturgy I. Additionally, applicants must have received a B or better in foundation courses. Students who plan to take Dramaturgy I in the fall may apply for a spring production (pending successful completion of the course).
These positions are intended to provide the student dramaturg with the opportunity to participate in a Center for Theatre and Dance production as a production dramaturg. The student dramaturg will become an integral part of the creative team. Responsibilities will include shaping the vision of the production with the director, attending design and production meetings, preparing the text as needed, preparing the research packet, doing a dramaturgy presentation, preparing the program note and lobby display, and leading talks with the audience.
The position of assistant choreographer will be available for all "graded" productions (those available for Rehearsal and Performance credit) in the Hoerner, Clark, and McCarroll theatres. In some cases, a choreographer or director/choreographer may choose not to utilize an assistant, or to utilize more than one assistant, and will have the final say on how they engage and utilize these positions.
Applying for an assistant choreographer position does not preclude a student from being cast in any of the productions of the Ithaca College main stage season.
Job Description:
- Work with choreographers to help them realize their dance or movement design concepts
- Work with performers on dance compositions and movement
- Teach and clean choreography, movement, and blocking as needed
- Possess visual and creative abilities
- Be able to create and maintain the "dance bible" for the production
- Be able to effectively demonstrate most, if not all, of the choreography in the production
- Have teaching skills
- Have perseverance and stamina
- Possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills
- Be self motivated
- Be able to work calmly and effectively under pressure and maintain confidentiality
- Have strong team work skills
- Be practical and able to solve problems creatively
- Have strong organizational skills
Criteria and Application Process:- Junior standing (by the time the assignment would occur)
- Successful completion of two 200-level dance classes (with minimally a B grade) or permission of the choreographer
- Submission of a brief statement (one page maximum), outlining individual goals and objectives for serving in this capacity and how this experience will further you overall educational goals
- A request of specific shows in order of preference for which you wish to be considered and a short rationale for your order of preference (one-two sentences)
- Submission of an up-to-date résumé of relevant experience
Applications must be submitted electronically through Formstack. Individual director(s) or choreographer(s) may request an interview with any, all, or none of the applicants. The director(s) and/or choreographer(s) will then forward to the chair of the theatre and dance department the name or names of the students they would consider for this assignment. The chair, in consultation with the individual director(s) and/or choreographer(s), the production associates, and the performance faculty, will make the final assignments and notify all applicants as soon as the selection process is complete. -
Senior Project in Directing (THEA 45500)
Senior Project in Directing is open to senior theatre studies majors. Student directors will apply skills from Directing I and II to the staging of a full play with a faculty mentor.
The focus is on storytelling, staging and text. There is no technical support. Persons who wish to be considered for a directing project must maintain:
- GPA of 3.0 or above
- A- or better in Directing I
Completion of Directing II is preferred, however students may enroll in SDP and Directing II concurrently.
Students may submit up to three titles, and must give a brief directorial vision for each title (2 paragraphs max, each). Plays must be 90 minutes or less