The Dillingham Center for Theatre and Dance

The Dillingham Center for Theatre and Dance
Dillingham Center Policies
Both theatres are reserved exclusively for technical theatre from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and from 10:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. except when scheduled for a class or performance.
A limited selection of scripts, textbooks and theatre books are available to students in the Center for Theatre and Dance's Hirschhorn library, located in the main office in Dillingham. These scripts are maintained and checked out by student assistants during regular office hours (8:30am – 5:00pm). The materials can be checked out for the entire semester, but are due back on the Tuesday of finals week. Students will be charged for overdue materials and for the cost of replacement.
The Center Script Library is made possible by the generosity of alumni Larry Hirschhorn.
The coordinator of theatre operations, room 223, schedules the use of theatre department spaces. Please fill out the online form to begin the scheduling process. Mainstage productions, second stage productions and senior directing projects have priority over other events. All faculty, staff and students are strongly encouraged to sign out spaces ahead of time to ensure that the space is available for their sole use.
The Clark and Hoerner Theatres will not have events in performance simultaneously. Major productions have full use of the theatre starting ten days before the opening of the production and no other group will be granted use of the theatre during this time.
If they are not being used for scheduled main stage rehearsals, theatre department spaces are open to students from the end of scheduled classes until 1:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and from 7:00 a.m. until 1:00 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday. No shoes other than dance shoes should be worn in the studios, unless the tarpaulin is covering the dance floor. Students must provide their own source of music in the dance studios.
Theatrical productions, whether they are main stage, second stage, No-Bucks, or independent projects, are typically not permitted during exam week. Exceptions to this rule are at the sole discretion of the chair of the Department of Theatre Arts.
Any person or persons using any theatre department space is completely responsible for leaving the space in an orderly, clean condition. Failure to follow this procedure may result in the withdrawal of permission to use the facilities.
Priority: The following groups of people have priority (in the following order) in the theatre department facilities:
- Department mainstage productions Legally Blonde, Translations, etc.
- Department non-mainstage productions No-Bucks, Sr Dir Projects
- Theatre Arts Faculty and Staff
- Department students classwork/review work
- Other theatre department student productions The Elsewhere Ensemble, Acahti, etc.
- Other non-department student groups and Department majors’ personal projects: IC Unbound, Amani Gospel, choreographing a Kitchen Sink production, etc.
Spaces: Theatre department facilities available for use are:
- Hoerner Theatre
- Clark Theatre
- Design Room
- Classroom 006
- Classroom 008
- Studio 1 (dance studio)
- Studio 2 (black box)
- Studio 3 (dance studio)
- Studio 4 (large acting studio)
- Studio 5 (acting studio)
Please note: No food or drink is allowed in the theatres and studios.
Students participating in a club project, such as "Rock Hard Dance Company" or "IC Circus", as well as student "underground" projects, are not permitted to use Dillingham classrooms, studios, lobbies, or theatres without specific written permission. Please see the "Permission for Use of Space" form. The form must be completed and submitted to the coordinator of theatre operations at least one month prior to performance dates.
Dillingham Center is open from 6:00 a.m. until 1:00 a.m. The design room is open from 6:00 a.m. until 1:00 a.m. for students working on assigned projects. All work MUST end, and the building vacated, at 1:00 a.m. The 1:00 a.m. closing time is suspended on strike nights only under the supervision of the technical director or scene shop supervisor. No students are permitted in the building at any other time unless they have received written permission from the coordinator of theatre operations.
Both theatres are reserved exclusively for technical theatre from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and from 10:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. except when scheduled for a class or performance.
All individuals using the facilities are responsible for maintaining the building. You are required to use wastebaskets to dispose of refuse. Recycling bins for copier paper (white and colored) and typing paper are available in the main office, next to the copier and at several other locations in the building. Leave all furniture where it is located. The person in charge of any function, whether faculty or student, will take the responsibility for assuring that established procedures are followed. Failure to follow these procedures may result in the withdrawal of permission to use the facilities.
Upon completion of any function (class, rehearsal, etc.) the supervisor (faculty or student) is to make certain that the space is returned to its normal, usable condition. Desks and chairs are to be returned to their normal placement. ALL rehearsal furniture and properties are to be returned to their proper storage areas. If additional furniture is required, the supervisor should contact the technical director, scene shop supervisor or a technical assistant.
All spaces used for storage of props, tools, sound or lighting equipment, costumes, etc., are not to be left unattended unless they are locked. SECURITY is a priority in this building!
Please fill out our request form first and then contact Mia Jumbo, Production Manager & Technical Supervisor to set up an appointment with a Props Shop Assistant.
Loan Agreement
Next you will sign a loan agreement which lists all of the things you borrowed. It will also list how much you will own if you damage or lose any props. You will also be expected to schedule a return date during this step.
Return Process
When you are done using the props you will return them on the date scheduled during the loan agreement step. The props person who receives the items will fill out a return form which will outline any thing which is damaged or missing.
Center for Theatre and Dance Policies
The Center for Theatre and Dance has a long-standing tradition of offering our students and faculty/staff complimentary tickets to Ithaca College Theatre productions. However, our complimentary ticket policy cannot be static, set for an entire season of six or more productions varying in size, scope, production run length, and venue capacity.
The Theatre Administration faculty will operationalize a fair and equitable complimentary ticket policy and other accessible methods to serve the Center for Theatre and Dance students and faculty/staff, including but not limited to a complimentary ticket waitlist opportunity.
*Please note: the complimentary ticket policy will be based on ticket inventory, advance sales, and size of production teams.
Dillingham 041 is not a green room nor a general use computer lab. Students are not allowed to eat their lunch, take a nap, or otherwise occupy this space without intent to work in a management capacity. Only those students with keycard access may use this room.
Who can use this room
• Theatre arts management students
• Stage managers
• Anyone involved in a management related activityRoom Hours
The management room is available for use during building operating hours, 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. The room is to be locked at all times. Permission for access to the room is available through these people:
• The S.M. coordinator
• The coordinator of theatre operations
• The T.A.M. coordinator
• The manager of audience development and special projectsThose students with access to the room are responsible for all persons working inside. Enforcement of proper access is partially the responsibility of the student.
Access (ID Card Swipe)
Access must be obtained through the coordinator of theatre operations. Access to this space is a privilege. Improper use of the room is cause for suspension of privileges.Supplies
All supplies found in this room are to remain in the room, with the exception of memo paper used in correspondence throughout the department. Any person who removes supplies from this room is subject to access privilege suspension. New supplies are to be ordered through the manager of audience development and special projects.Equipment
The equipment provided for use in the room should be treated kindly. Should there be any problems with maintenance, it is the student’s responsibility to report it as soon as possible to the manager of audience development and special projects. The computers and printers are not for personal use. Failure to follow this guideline may result in the loss of this equipment.Other
During performances, ushers may deposit their coats and book-bags in this room. Students who have access may use the room at any time during the day. Those students who work late at night in the room should keep the door closed and locked. Be aware of other people who may be working in the building. It is a good idea to contact Safety and Security to escort you to your vehicle or across campus.Since this space will be shared with many other students, it is important that others’ work be respected. Do not move, organize, file, borrow, or lend anyone else’s materials without permission.
The copier is for the use of production stage managers and for office and administrative purposes. It is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and is locked at night and on weekends. The copier is not to be used by any individual for personal copying.
Office telephones are for department use only and should not be used for personal calls.