Required Elements of an Ithaca College Course Syllabus

Expectations and Resources for Faculty

Syllabi for courses at Ithaca College must include required elements as described in the approved College Policy.

The documents below are resources for faculty to use that insure compliance with this policy when developing their syllabi.

  • a Syllabus Template (in Word): the template includes all of the policy required elements, as well as suggested (optional) additional content that  support student success (we update this template as policies and additional content change); 
  • Credit Hour Expectations and Time Spent Guide: an aid for faculty in adding the required syllabus element to communicate time spent in classrooms and on assignments (this has been updated to include the Types of Instruction (Instructional Methods) outlined in the Credit Hour Policy;
  • a Health and Safety Statement (an optional element): as public health needs and expectations are constantly evolving, we keep this statement up to date on current guidance, for you to incorporate into your syllabus as appropriate;
  • Generative AI Class Usage Statements (an optional element): sample statements for varying approaches to allowing or restricting the use of generative AI in class work

In addition to the College required elements, each school and/or department may have identified their own, additional language that is required in syllabi (e.g., mission/vision statements, professional standards for accreditation, statements about available centers, lab safety requirements, etc.). Faculty should be sure to consult with the department chair for additional syllabus content that may be required by their program.

For additional support and guidance in developing effective syllabi that support student learning, please consult the resources on the Faculty Hub provided by the Center for Faculty Excellence.