Residential Halls
- Do not prop open residence hall exit doors.
- Meet visitors and delivery people at the main lobby door. They can phone you from the entrance by using the security-access phone located outside each residence hall.
- Do not allow strangers to enter your room or apartment unless they are properly identified. If a stranger does enter, demand that he or she leave. If he or she refuses, create a commotion and leave quickly. Call the Office of Public Safety and Emergency Management (Public Safety) immediately.
- Do not keep jewelry, large sums of money, or other valuable items in your room or apartment. Store valuables elsewhere when on vacation.
- If you are accosted in a hallway or public area of a residence hall and feel that you are in danger, create a commotion and contact Public Safety at 911 or 274-3333 or by using an emergency phone.
Report unauthorized solicitors
- Report unauthorized solicitors in the residence halls or on the Ithaca College campus to Public Safety. Solicitation is not allowed without a permit, and no one is permitted to sell anything door-to-door on campus. If you suspect someone of being an unauthorized solicitor, call 274-3333 immediately. Do not confront him or her.
- Report any suspicious or unusual activities immediately to Public Safety at 911 or 274-3333.