Research, Resources, and Reflections to Support Teachers' Personal Wellbeing

Note: These web pages are currently under construction. They will continue to be an evolving work in progress.


Research & Background

Social and emotional learning and teachers
Schonert-Reichl, Kimberly A. (2017).
Future of Children 27(1), 137-155 .
Research review. Examination of the critical role of teachers’ SEL and promising practices to provide them with targeted support.

smartEducation: Developing stress management and resiliency techniques
Ragoonaden, Karen (2017).
LEARNing Landscapes,10(2), 241-255.
Empirical study. Examines ways in which smartEducation (Stress Management and Resiliency Techniques), a mindfulness-based program to support the development of self-care practices, can benefit the wellness of preservice teachers.

Social-emotional learning matters... for students AND teachers
By Nankin, Ilana and Fenchel, Michael (February 5, 2019).Website. EdSurge (
Web article. Reviews basic facts, issues, and approaches related to teachers’ self-care, emphasizing the mutuality between teachers’ and students’ stress and wellness.

Prioritizing teacher self-care
Edutopia Staff (February 5, 2018).
Website. Edutopia (
Video. Shows an example of an elementary school that provides SEL support to teachers, giving them opportunities to attend to their personal wellbeing during the school day.

Student teachers’ proactive strategies for avoiding study-related burnout during teacher education
Väisänen, S., Pietarinen, J., Pyhältö, K., Toom, A., & Soini, T. (2018).
European Journal of Teacher Education, 41(3), 301–317.
Empirical study. Examines the benefits of active social coping mechanisms for strengthening the personal wellness of preservice teachers.

Educators' professional and personal growth: A case study of European teachers' in-service training courses
Salomäki, U., Ruokonen, I., & Ruismäki, H. (2012). Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability 14(1)
Empirical study. Examines findings that focused instruction of emotional skills, including through the arts, benefits the personal wellness of teachers, both in their professional and in their personal lives.

Practical Resources

Why it’s so hard for teachers to take care of themselves (and 4 ways to start)
Gonzalez, Jennifer (June 19, 2017).
Cult of Pedagogy (Blog.
Blog post. Discusses the definition of self-care, why teachers often do not successfully engage in self-care, and what steps teachers can take for creating good self-care habits.

Back to School Stress: Establishing Good Habits
Osborne, Erin (September 17, 2013).
Website. Edutopia (
Web article. Explains what constitutes effective self-care habits and provides specific examples for teachers in particular. Creating boundaries, finding time for exercise and hobbies, and proper meal planning are presented as effective ways of handling stress and providing the body with needed self-care.

Empathy and Resilience, Responsibility and Self-Care: Resources for Social and Emotional Learning From The New York Times
By Proulx, Natalie and Schulten, Katherine. The New York Times, January 23, 2019.
Popular press. NYT presentation of resources to support wellness and self-care.


Enhance daily productivity and motivation with exercise
Sam O (April 16, 2021)
Chapman Learning Commons (Blog,
Blog post. Explains how adding exercise to ones life can improve motivation and offers practical advice on how to do so.

Physical activity - Staying motivated
Better Health Channel Staff (2024).
Website. Better Health Channel, Victoria State Government (
Topic review. Explains why movement is helpful for the brain and the nervous system in clear, concise ways that are easily understood by those of us who are not experts.

The mental health benefits of exercise
Robinson,L., Segal, J. and Smith, M. (2024).
Topic review. Explains the health benefits of exercise with a particular emphasis on the brain and cognitive functioning in daily life.

Self-care videos: Gentle yoga, mindful movement, and indoor walking
Hannay, Catharine (5/6/23)
Videos. Guides for effective physical wellness activities.

If you know of additional resources you think ought to be featured on these pages, feel free to contact