Research and Reflections on How Teachers’ SEL Has Been a Gap in Teacher Education and on Initiatives to Address it

Note: These web pages are currently under construction. They will continue to be an evolving work in progress.

To reach the students, teach the teachers: A national scan of teacher preparation and social and emotional learning
Schonert-Reichl, K. A., Kitil, M. J. andHanson-Peterson, J. (2017).
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). Vancouver, B.C.: University of British Columbia.
Research/data/topic review. A comprehensive review of teacher preparation programs and how they do and do not address teachers’ SEL.

Social and emotional learning and pre-service teacher education.
Schonert‑Reichl, Kimberly A. , Hanson‑Peterson, Jennifer L. and Hymel, Shelley (2015).
In book: J. A. Durlak, R. P. Weissberg, C. E. Domitrovich, T. P. Gullotto (Eds.). Handbook of social and emotional learning: Research and practice. Guilford.
Research/data review. In a comprehensive study of teacher education programs and standards across the U.S., the authors find that SEL for teachers remains a significant gap in teacher preparation.

Resolving feelings of professional inadequacy: Student teachers’ coping with distressful situations
Lindqvist, H., Weurlanfer, M, Wernerson, A. and Thornberg, R. (2017).
Teacher and Teacher Education, 64, 270-279.
Empirical study. Study on student teachers’ feelings of professional inadequacy and expectation that they will learn to address these in their professional life but not in teacher education.

Infusing SEL into the final internship experience for future teachers
Almerico, Gina M. (2018)
Journal of Instructional Pedagogies, 20.
Topic review/Opinion. Makes arguments for why and how SEL should be integrated into the teaching practicum phase of teacher preparation.

Infusing social emotional learning into the teacher education curriculum
Waajid, Badiyyah; Garner, Pamela W.; Owen, Julie E. (2013).
International Journal of Emotional Education 5(2), 31-48.
Empirical study. Study on possibilities of effectively integrating SEL development into the teacher education curriculum.

Social and emotional learning and teachers
Schonert-Reichl, KimberlyA. (2017).
The Future of Children 27(1),137-155.
Research/topic review. Examines the importance of SEL in teachers’ skill sets and ways in which it is underaddressed in teacher preparation programs.

Helping preservice teachers separate fact from fiction
Delamarter, Jeremy, 2019.
Phi Delta Kappan,101(4), 20-25.
Topic review/Opinion. Argues that teacher education programs ought to promote realistic expectations of the teaching profession among preservice teachers in order to help increase their future job satisfaction and help teacher retention.

Educators' professional and personal growth: A case study of European teachers' in-service training courses
Salomäki, U., Ruokonen, I., & Ruismäki, H. (2012).
Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability 14(1)
Empirical study. Examines findings that focused instruction of emotional skills, including through the arts, benefits the personal wellness of teachers, both in their professional and in their personal lives.

Coping strategies and psychological well-being among teacher education students
Gustems-Carnicer, J., & Calderón, C. (2013).
European Journal of Psychology of Education, 28(4), 1127–1140.
Empirical study. Studies the need and application of coping strategies among preservice teachers during their teacher education program. Findings include that approach-oriented coping strategies are connected to psychological well-being while avoidant emotion-focused coping strategies are connected to psychological harm.

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