Research, Resources, and Reflections to Support Teachers in Managing Challenging Situations in the Classroom

Note: These web pages are currently under construction. They will continue to be an evolving work in progress.

Knowledge, skills, and support needed by teaching personnel for managing challenging situations with pupils
Markkanen, P., Anttila, M., & Välimäki, M.A. (2019).
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16. 
Empirical study. Examines specific skills and resources that successully support teachers as they manage challenging classroom situations.

Thriving not just surviving: A review of research on teacher resilience
Beltman, S., Mansfield, C. and Price, A. (2011).
Educational Research Review 6, 185-207.
Research review. Presents findings on teacher resilience, examining contributing factors and impacts on teachers in their daily work.

How mindfulness can help teachers and students manage challenging situations
Broderick, Patricia C. (May 1, 2019).
Website. KQUED (
Research review. Reviews approaches to managing challenging situations in the classroom, both for the teacher and for the students. Emphasizes emotional re-centering and mindfulness.

A de-escalation exercise for upset students
Vollrath, Daniel (January 14, 2020).
Website. Edutopia (
Guide. Describes a specific approach to help an agitated student regain the state of mind needed for learning. Of course it can be used by teachers to help themselves as well.

Getting in tune to soothe the nervous system
Borovoy, Amy E. (Executive Producer) (October 30, 2020).
Website. Edutopia (
Video. Explanation of how singing or humming can be an effective way for teachers to get their classroom recentered when structures have broken down.

Eight proactive classroom management tips
Terada, Youki (August 7, 2019).
Website. Edutopia (
Research review/Guide. Review of effective strategies to proactively address disruptive behavior in the classroom.

Seven ways to maintain relationships during your school closure
Gonser, Sarah (March 25, 2020).
Website. Edutopia (
Guide. Teacher-suggested strategies for maintaining relationships—both peer-to-peer and student-teacher—during online teaching. A good resource in case we ever return to remote schooling.

If you know of additional resources you think ought to be featured on these pages, feel free to contact