Research and Reflections on the Importance of Teachers’ SEL Overall and on Factors Underlying Teachers’ Job Satisfaction

Note: These web pages are currently under construction. They will continue to be an evolving work in progress.

Social and emotional learning and teachers
Schonert-Reichl, Kimberly A. (2017).
Future of Children 27(1), 137-155 .
Research review. Examination of the critical role of teachers’ SEL and promising practices to provide them with targeted support.

An investigation of the relationship between job and life satisfaction among teachers
Demirel, Hüsne (2014).
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 116, 4925-4931.
Empirical study. Discusses the impact of job satisfaction on teachers’ life satisfaction, with a focus on both external and internal factors.

The life satisfaction of teachers at work place, research of structural equation modelling regarding general and organized cynicism
Satilmis, A., Oznacar, B., Uzunboylu, H. and Yılmaz, E. (2017).
Quality & Quantity, 52, 1-10
Empirical study. Examines the impact of workplace-related factors on teachers’ all-round life satisfaction.

Teachers’ occupational attributes and their psychological wellbeing, job satisfaction, occupational self-concept and quitting intentions
McInerney, D.M., Korpershoek, H., Wang, H. and Morin, A.J.S. (2018).
Teaching and Teacher Education 71,145-158.
Empirical study. Examines connections between teachers’ psychological wellbeing, job satisfaction, occupational self-concept, and quitting intentions.

The prosocial classroom: Teacher social and emotional competence in relation tostudent and classroom outcomes
Jennings, Patricia A. and Greenberg, Mark T. (2009).
Review of Educational Research, 79, 491-525.
Research review. Examines the relationship between teachers’ SEL and burnout and between teachers’ SEL and effective classrooms. Furthermore, reviews stress reduction and mindfulness programs as ways to support teachers’ SEL development.


Why Veteran Teachers Stay in the Profession: An Examination of Veteran Teacher Retention
Aguirre, Jeremy (2004).
Doctoral Dissertation. Southern New Hampshire University.
Study on why certain veteran teachers choose to stay in the profession while so many others do not.

Job Satisfaction of Teachers: What Factors Increase Satisfaction and Keep Teachers in the Classroom
Jones, Donald S. (2024).
Doctoral Dissertation. Concordia University .
Study on the impact of compensation, collegial relations, administrative support, and parent involvement on teacher satisfaction.

If you know of additional resources you think ought to be featured on these pages, feel free to contact