Research, Resources, and Reflections on Mindfulness Practices for Teachers

Note: These web pages are currently under construction. They will continue to be an evolving work in progress.

Resources on Mindfulness in General

Mindfulness-based interventions in context: Past, present, and future
Kabat-Zinn, J. (2003).
Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 10(2), 144–156.
Topic review/Opinion. Defines and reviews mindfulness as a practice and factors involved in its implementation. A seminal work in the field of mindfulness-based intervention.

Mindfulness matters: Can living in the moment improve your health?
Wein, Harrison (2012).
NIH News in Health.
Topic review. Explains mindfulness in simple terms and explains the effects it can have on the body and mind.

Mechanisms of mindfulness
Shapiro, S. L., Carlson, L. E., Astin, J. A., & Freedman, B. (2006).
Journal of clinical psychology,62(3), 373–386.
Theory. Proposes a theoretical model for mindfulness and suggests mechanisms for its application.

Mindfulness exercises: See how mindfulness helps you live in the moment.
Mayo Clinic Staff (2022).
Website. mayoclinic (
Topic review. Presentation of mindfulness from a clinical/medical perspective.

Mindfulness: Present moment awareness
Psychology Today Staff (2023).
Psychology Today (
Topic review. General explanation of mindfulness from a clinical/psychological perspective.

Resources on Mindfulness for Teachers

In the moment: Does mindfulness hold the key to improving the resilience and wellbeing of pre-service teachers?
Birchinall, L., Spendlove, D. and Buck, R. (2019).
Teaching and Teacher Education, 86.
Research review/Opinion. Reviews research on stress symptoms among preservice teachers and on mindfulness-based interventions, suggesting that mindfulness practices should be integrated into teacher education as a way to mitigate stress.

A systematic review of mindfulness interventions for in-service teachers: A tool to enhance teacher wellbeing and performance
Hwang, Y., Bartlett, B., Greben, M. and Hand, K. (2017).
Teaching and Teacher Education, 64, 26-42.
Research review. Review of empirical research on mindfulness-based intervention for in-service teachers, with findings on the state of mindfulness research in the context of teacher education and suggestions on how to move the work forward.

The impact of mindfulness on the wellbeing and performance of educators: A systematic review of the empirical literature
Lomas, T., Medina, J. C., Ivtzan, I., Rupprecht, S. and Eiroa-Orosa, F. J. (2017).
Teaching and Teacher Education, 61, 132-141.
Research review. Comprehensive review of research on anti-burnout interventions for teachers, with the finding that mindfulness practices had among the most positive outcomes.

Mindfulness-based interventions in schools—a systematic review and meta-analysis
Zenner, C., Herrnleben-Kurz, S. and Walach, H. (2014).
Front Psychology, 5, 603.
Empirical study. Examination of the implementation and impact of mindfulness-based interventions in schools, suggesting a complex set of factors and implementation conditions.

Seven ways mindfulness can help teachers
Jennings, Patricia A.  Greater Good Magazine, March 30th, 2015.
Popular press. Explains seven ways mindfulness can help teachers, including being able to communicate better with students, getting in touch with one's own emotions, and helping maintain a positive learning environment.

Mindfulness for teachers: Benefits, exercises, and facilitation tips
Aguilar, Cap (2024).
Website: Panorama Education(
Blog post. Describes ways to facilitate mindfulness for teachers, the effects of mindfulness, research on mindfulness, and how to practice it.

Best practices for bringing mindfulness into schools
Gerszberg, Caren Osten (2024).
Web article. Discusses approaches to and benefits for integrating mindfulness practices into the classroom.

Mindfulness for all: A focus on educators
TREP Project (2023).
Website. Trauma Responsive Educational Practices (
Web article. Presents mindfulness as an effective tool for addressing trauma response, particularly in school contexts.


Space Between
Website focused on mindfulness resources, including workshops and testimonies.

If you know of additional resources you think ought to be featured on these pages, feel free to contact